@ProjektInsanity: Well said and valid points. My comment was directed at the tone of some of the comments, not an attack at the idea that others' preferences are less valid. And that said, I worded my own comment poorly, ie, it was dickish as well.
*Reads comments* Christ on a stick, so many whiny, entitled man-children. As far as spending time on the aesthetic aspects of your character being a waste because you almost never see him/her, here's an age-old idea: try using your imagination. You may actually enjoy yourself despite not being spoon-fed every visual cue.
@Welverin: Well said. Still think that Bioshock is the best candidate to make that leap. It couldn't have drawn the broad audience required to justify the budget Verbinski wanted (reportedly 200mil), especially not as an R-Rated film, which was what Verbinski was (rightly) adamant about. But times have changed.
@WingChopMasta: "Go play your Steam sale library and let other people play their favorite games while on their commute to their well-paying jobs." Ouch!
Zenopants' comments