Thanks, so is it like the cables that the 360 comes with that are colored (component), and how much would that cost. Also can i also connect these HD cables to my multiplatform connector thing the name slips my mind
Zeppelin12592's forum posts
OK, i own a 360 and next year plan on getting a ps3 and a HD Tv (but nothing fansay just a 400 dollar one), but im not sure how the HD stuff works. Does the Ps3 come with a wire cause i know the 360 came with 3 other component cables that i dont use know. BTW all my consoles (Ps2,N64 and 360) have their component cables going through this thing i bought a while ago that plugs into the Tv and VCR. So is there a seperate cable i need to buy to connect the systems to the tv to make them work with HD please explain. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I copied and pasted this from the thread i made in the general hardware forum, i know this shouldnt be here but if someone cand help i would really really appreciate it.
Good for you!I likeyour sig it's clever. Led Zeppelin WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!deadhead127
YEA Zepplin Is a great band and i may not get the ps3 untill the mid to end of next year thanks for the support i was expecting to get made fun off and critized
I use to hate the ps3, i thought it was a overpriced piece of garbage with no good games for it or coming out for it. After watching the sony press conference i was impressed with what they showed and i think home will be amazing. One of my friends who is also getting ps3 use to tell me it will win the console wars, and i said no it wont shut up. So u can officially welcome me to the forums and discuss what ps3 stuff u are looking foward to.
PS: Before i liked playstation 3 i was a big
M$ fan and i still am , i also still think the wii is a gimicky piece of crap, with only one good game (Brawl)
I wan't a BioShock demo!SkaterM80
Yea i really want the bioshock demo badly to but i forgot to mention im also looking foward to a COD 4 demo
Hello Everyone, its been a while since ive posted on these forums just signed on today and read some E3 stuff. So what game demos do you guys want to see come from E3 to Xbox Live. I personally want Army of 2, Bioshock, assains creed, SVR2008 (shame what happened to benoits family, and the fact that the guy ruined his own legacy). I also want to see some info on Halo3 single player like screens or videos anything really
These type of games kind of get on my nerves, cause i actualy play guitar and for the money and time u put into the game u could learn the real thing and get much much more out of it. Regarding the topic i like how this game incorporated fender guitars and made a stratocaster controller, it makes more sence to have a whammy bar on that than a sg. I still wont be picking this game up though
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