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#1 ZeroDrawn
Member since 2004 • 5317 Posts

On one hand, Resident Evil 4 was the last one that I really, really enjoyed, so seeing a remake of it would be very exciting.

But on the other hand, that's probably just me lamenting for the series to be a bit more fun again, than really needing RE4 to be remade. I play plenty of older games without an issue, so I'm sure RE4 would be the same.

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#2 ZeroDrawn
Member since 2004 • 5317 Posts

Anything that achieves a large amount of popularity with the 'mainstream' tends to find itself receiving backlash from those who consider themselves apart from the silly majority. This happens in pretty much every entertainment medium, not just video games. Nickleback, Twilight, The Big Bang Theory, Apple products, whatever. Some grow offended by the notion that so many can be enthralled by things they themselves find to be lacking in intellectual worth or quality. I'm not sure if this particular stance is born out of insecurity or born out of frustration that other competing things that don't acquire a similar level of popularity are more deserving of it. It could easily be both.

Obviously, what I just mentioned is not the -only- reason that each person dislikes something that is popular. Plenty of people also have their own genuine reasons for disliking a popular thing, not because its cool to dislike it, but because they actually do dislike it.

But the first thing I mentioned tends to be the most -common- factor behind why the hate is so vocal, when it seems like you hear it / see it so often despite something otherwise being very successful.

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#3 ZeroDrawn
Member since 2004 • 5317 Posts

It was kind of interesting that, back in the lead up to and during E3 2013, because of how badly Microsoft were shooting themselves in both feet with the restrictive policies and potential DRM of the Xbox One, Sony basically didn't have to do much to garner everyone's favor. They pretty much just had to say "Hey, we're not gonna do that." and they won that particular PR contest. But the policies Sony was sticking to at the time were already the status-quo, so they won by not changing anything at all.

Obviously Microsoft had to step way back from those policies they were proposing. But the reason I bring that up is now, three years later, after the 8th generation is in full swing, Microsoft is actually having to do forward-thinking and consumer-friendly things to gain favor (like the Backwards Compatibility stuff people are mentioning here), while Sony seems to be doing some stuff that is pissing people off.

So we might be seeing a reverse of the situations. Sony's gotten too comfortable with their position, and as companies are so often to do when they gain the upper hand, they start to get greedy. Which isn't necessarily wrong, profit is important. But get too greedy, and well...

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#4 ZeroDrawn
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@iandizion713: As far as I can tell from reading the experiences of others, the game plays just fine offline, going online does things like uploading your discoveries so other people run into them and such. I don't have the game myself.

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#5 ZeroDrawn
Member since 2004 • 5317 Posts

There are some early mods which, apparently, inject some wow factor into the game. Like the big things mod. So I wonder... This refund wave means a lot of people will be dropping their $60 purchase of NMS. But you'll still have a bunch sticking around, and you'll still have people modding it, or at least that's pretty likely. And I assume Hello Games is going to continue to improve on the game, unless they end up evil or bankrupt.

So, that raises an interesting possibility for the future of NMS. I'm speaking -strictly- in terms of the game itself, and what it has the ability to become. Perhaps there's still a future here where, somewhere down the line, improvements, mods, and (one can only hope) price drops could make it a more fully-fleshed out game, a better product.

I know it isn't entirely possible to separate the game from the sins of its maker in the eyes of every person, but its still something I wonder about.

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#6  Edited By ZeroDrawn
Member since 2004 • 5317 Posts

I think gaming is in a better place than it ever has been, as a consequence of its continued growth as a wide-reaching medium. There's a lot of places to get games now, and a lot of ways to play them. It is not a purely rosy picture - there are a lot of problems, like microtransactions, free2play schemes, publisher shenanigans, of course. Those flaws, however, do not detract from what I consider to be a very vibrant and expressive stage.

The breadth of gaming experiences available is impressive. Even if you have a microthin budget, stuff like humble bundles and steam sales enable the procurement of genuinely good games at really good prices, and if you're not a stickler for needing a cutting edge experience, you can enjoy most of those games without needing expensive hardware to do so.

There's a lot of stuff out there available for scott-free too, and I'm not talking about piracy, but honest-to-goodness good games for free.

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#7  Edited By ZeroDrawn
Member since 2004 • 5317 Posts

@Cobra_nVidia: The name "Sean Murrayneux" has been flying around a lot lately, and it is fitting.

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#8 ZeroDrawn
Member since 2004 • 5317 Posts

I've really, really enjoyed them all (GTA 3, VC, SA, IV, V), but V is the only one I actually took the time to play the story to completion in. And that's mostly because I got way too distracted messing around in the other ones to focus on the story. When you're given a playground, after all, you play.

So V is my favorite for that reason, simply as a matter of circumstance, but if I were to take the time and go back to play (or watch) the stories of the other ones, my opinion might change.

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#9 ZeroDrawn
Member since 2004 • 5317 Posts

@suicidesn0wman said:

@dynamitecop: I don't see why you're so happy the game is failing... These guys tried to do something different and them failing hurts every one. Not just Sony or the cows but Xbox, Nintendo and even PC. People will be less willing to take a risk after this. We'll get more cookie cutter games on all platforms, and indie devs with similar ideas won't get funded in the future even if they had a game that fixed whatever flaws No Man's Sky had.

I see the failure (or disaster?) of No Man's Sky as a blow to letting a hypetrain build to unsustainable speeds because you aren't keeping the person / people speaking for your company in check with their pre-release hyperbole. If it isn't outright lying, its pretty damn close to it, and it shouldn't happen - it'll only end badly.

Hopefully, as we continue to see innovation in the future, the lesson those innovators will take from all this is not to mislead people about the game they are making. Because it is always better to underpromise and overdeliver.

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#10 ZeroDrawn
Member since 2004 • 5317 Posts

I'd be interested to see if this wouldn't motivate Hello Games / Sean Murray to offer up an explanation for why things have gone the way they have. Regardless of -what- they would say (history shows us companies arent often very good at fessing up to their misdeeds and mistakes) , I'm more wondering -if- they'll say anything at all.

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