You know I would like say good....but considering I'm actually paying my own bills now and need a better than minimum wage job to support my habits and keep going to school it just means more competition on the job market...
You know I love Megaman and think Inafune is a great and talented guy but you can't deny that he helped create that stagnation megaman is pretty damn formulaic to say the least. (and it's one of my favorite series)
Will you still be saying that after it red rings? I had four brand new 360s in the same time frame I had a single Wii and PS3 (...damn Halo...) I'll just say I'm less than confident in its lifespan.
Remembering that whole thing makes me feel old. lol
Considering they are both his creations it's more like how Micheal Jackson held the rights to most of the Beatles song and kinda prevented them from making more money than they could have.
You know I wouldn't mind another deadspace if they went back to the tense atmosphere of 1 or did the onrails shooter thing like extraction again but 2 and 3 were just meh. (Not to mention the micro-transaction bull shit)
Public Service Announcement: Keiji Inafune does not own the rights to Megaman or any of it's related media. He can't make a new Megaman without Capcom's consent.
ZeroX91's comments