@xXBLACKOUT92Xx I heard about it but I haven't paid much attention to it, after the tongue lashing the president of cc2 game bamco of america I doubt I will see it localized, getting //link to play in English was a pain. I agree but at the same time dissida was fun so it could turn out good.
If they ever do remake 7 we will just get stuck with depressing emo cloud through out, no "Zloud" or "fixed cloud". (all it took was one night with Tifa lol) They admitted that the only reason that Cloud was depress in Advent Children was for "fan appeal". So I'm fine with it not being remade.
@fatee You can hardly get a new game for less than 70$ in the US either (unless you count used), we are talking actual game not dlc (dlc is a optional add on in most cases), in another generation or two yea I can see 100$ + for a game but Nintendo is not dumb enough to try it now, they will let competitors raise the costs.
ZeroX91's comments