@Gamerno6666 @Prats1993 Because they wanted a quick cash-in and Korsakovia was good...to be fair they do decent stories and if A Machine for Pigs wasn't attached to Amnesia it would be better it just wasn't what people wanted or expected out of an Amnesia sequel.
@straightcur If you were bored during Heavy Rain I can almost guarantee you will be bored with Beyond, less interactivity longer cutscenes. It has more in common with Indigo Prophecy than Heavy Rain. (Which is disappointing as Heavy Rain was waaayyyy better.) It does have Ellen Page though.
He has a tendency to talk down to gamers and call other games/developers "shit". Most people would have no problems with him if it weren't for his massive ego.
@WheelerJared It stems from his attitude and Heavy Rain being more actiony than anything else I think. Beyond has decent story but you basically press X to continue the "puzzles" included.
@PS2fweak The only game I would say steps into the creepy side of the uncanny valley is Indigo Prophecy (or Farenheit), they aren't the best written stories but they are interesting.
Just as long as Cage remembers that there's a difference between a cg movie and a game gotta say Heavy Rain might not have had as good of a story as beyond two souls but at least it had interactivity. In Beyond you get about five minutes of gameplay followed by a twenty minute cutscene.
The thing that separates games and movies is that interactivity, being able to affect that world, something he doesn't seem to fully grasp.
ZeroX91's comments