In case you folks missed this one. "CBS Corporation just announced an agreement to buy CNET for $1.8 billion dollars. Through the deal, all of CNET's network sites, including GameSpot,, CNET, UrbanBaby, CHOW,, BNET, MySimon and TechRepublic all become property of CBS." source: SirRaven, I think you might be right on this one. From now on CBS's interestes will become what Gamespot's will trying to protect. Prepare for more "under-the-table" deal.
Hey PS3 owner, we shouldn't waste our time on this anymore, I find it a bit tiresome. If they want to play subpar games and be self-satisfied, let them do it, we can only rescue some many people. Just let it go. Owning an xbox is like driving a top of the line FORD automobile. People thought they are driving the best car on the planet while the rest of the world giggles behind them. Don't even know it and feel the shame. lol.
Tony, without Japanese studios, xbox 360 will be barried alive along with Halo3 or Gears of War that kind of crap. PS3 got premium stuff right from the get go. Remember, a console can only survive with Japanese studios support, not the other way around.
no doubt xbox 360 had won a few battles (Axis), but eventually Ps3 is set to win the war (Allies). rofl @ Skiggy80, which an absolute bs statement, "a guy", lol maybe you should ask that guy for marriage and financial advise also. a guy .... hahahahha.
Let the Nintendo stock soar to the point it can buy out the xbox and end the mystery once and for all, and for the sake of our planet and the environment.
Zerosumgame's comments