Like the idea but first iterations are never something to invest in imo. It's obviously too pricey but hopefully more 'affordable' gaming tablets will make their debut sometime soon.
I know that video games are big business and companies are striving to make as much money as possible, which isn't a bad thing in itself although it leads to poor practices, however I hate seeing speculators weigh in on subjects they have little concern over outside of dollar signs.
Valve is far too nice. There's just a slight tinge of hypocrisy with this story as running around shooting people up, last time I checked, isn't the most religiously friendly activity either. However the individual who lacked the foresight to realize there were some pretty thick religious themes in BS:I also failed to understand the difference between real life decisions and in-game ones.
The idea for those maps looks nice, but sadly the gameplay mechanics, graphics/engine, and originality of this series has a serious stagnation problem that's been going on for years.
ZetA_LatA's comments