@AzulSoul I like to wait for complete or Goty Editions myself lol. The cost of games is really starting to outweigh the desire to play them (at least for me). Like Dark_Meta, I'm gonna wait for TR to go down a bit, but I am still itching to play it.
Looks like Square is finally starting to get its act together. Glad they're actually releasing good games again although them not doing so great is slightly disheartening. For years they've been wallowing in a pit of mediocrity, so maybe this shake up and the financial woes will put some sense back into em.
Feel the same about the PS4. Looks cool but don't know how it will fare in the long run with mobile platforms getting more powerful and capable in a matter of months rather than the usual 5-7 years of consoles. Playing high end games on tablets is already a possibility (albeit an expensive one) and with more and more devs eying app stores rather than store shelves in addition to the ever increasing amount of competition from upstarts like Ouya and the enigmatic Steambox, Sony has got it's work cut out for it.
As far as the outcry of gamers towards buggy launches, I see where he's coming from but disagree. Publishers like EA, Activision, Ubisoft, and other big name gaming powerhouses spend tens of millions marketing a game for months if not years. If they can't ensure that a game is playable at launch then they deserve any backlash they receive for rushing a title. Back in the day, putting out a patch for a game wasn't nearly as easy as it is now or even possible for consoles. Companies had to make sure they got it right the first time and that should still be the case today.
Then there's American McGee himself. Don't know much about him outside of the Alice Games but have to say I wholly enjoyed both of em. The stories were great, environments crazy and beautiful, and the gameplay was quite fun. Madness Returns was ironically a bit buggy but fun as hell. Would love to see a third one.
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