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Zeta_Thompson Blog

A Question of Time

I have too many games.

No let me rephrase that, I have a lot of games and not enough time. I admin a MUD, RP on it, Admin an PvP RPG site, I have a family and I game. I have decided that unless a game is a must have I will buy no more games untill i finish at least 50% of the ones i have now. (The must haves include assassin's creed and Overlord 2 and if they ever make it Dungeon Keeper 3)

So My actively trying to finish list is:


Devil May Cry 2

.Hack Infection

Tales of the Abyss


Animal Crossing

Tales of Symphonia again

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance

Baten Kaitos


Sword of the Berserk: Guts Rage


Star Lancer



Icewind Dale


Guildwars Factions

Recently Finished


Devil May Cry




Sims Busting Out (Just lame and annoying)

Mana World

Will keep you all posted on the progress

Virrl gaming AKA Word of Mouth

Finally an answer and suggestion from a marketerr of what needs to be done to get games noticed.

One thing that was left out of both my blog and his blog. GIVE IT TIME. Word of mouth takes time to spread and even more time for a group to finsh a game then decide if it has a replayabilty factor.

Mana World Online Not worth the Price (

Ok so a group of players from the mud have been playing a 2-d MMO. They suggested I check it out. All i can say after a week of fooling with it is 'OH THE GRIND!"

Mana world is 2-d graphics think Shining Force, Secret of Mana etc.. It states that the server is for testing so things will change. Well, a LOT of changes need to be made IMHO to make it worth my time. You start out naming your character etc. You can have multiple characters on an account, so that is cool They you pick your look and arrive in the world in a newbie area. You are basically naked. At this point you have no class (I mean that in the D&D sence of the world although like any MMO many players fulfill that in other senses.)

Suring the tutorial stuff you learn that the residents of this world gain money by killing "monsters" (OKAY, so the world has no manufacturing, agriculture or other means of making a living?) So right off my LAME STORY WRITING radar went off. For reasons unknown these non humanoid monsters such as slime, maggots and bugs seem to carry money. I am not certain WHY they have it but so be it. Some also carry potions and other items. Ok so it's a newbie area i will cut it some slack.

You also get points for slaying so many monsters. Sort of like bounty points. When you acheive enough points you can trade the them in for items Now THIS makes more sense! Except... what am I going to do with 3 presents i cannot open? I cannot select specific rewards. So I sell excesses and continue.

Off I go with my avatar to whack some maggots. Along the way I run into a guy who for some reason needs 30 bug legs to complete his action figure. Ooookaaay then, I'll just keep an eye out for them shall I? 5 hours of play time later I have 17 of the 30 needed. The game has become VERY repetative and at level 21 I am still denied access to the next area.

The times I was on there were around 60 players on average on. The server lagged awfully. I logged out and deinstalled. So. If you want a place to socialize go to facebook. If you want a MMO try guildwars or a Mud or anything else. Sorry to say Mana WOrld is not worth the price.

Where's my PoP?

Many months ago, nay even two years ago there was a huge to do about Prince of Persia moving to Wii, Except Ubisoft released the newest game on xbox, Mac and PS3 only. They even scrapped the PC verson. Now, I love the Prince series and have since I first saw it back in 89. The Cube version rocks, so while what I saw of the upcoming game looked good so far I waited. I wanted to try it on Wii.

Alas Someday my Prince MAY come, but not today. Only the two evil empires in gaming were able to get the title on their consoles. So I ask Where's my Prince Ubisoft?

Fire Emblem Woes

Ahh, after years (ok maybe not years, but a corrupted card and must frustration), I FINALLY finished Fire Emblem Path of Radiance on the GameCube. Mainly because my daughter has been bugging me to finish it. It was not the best game, being my first pla ythrough of it but it is done. (Could they have made those ending sequences ANY longer? I was falling asleep.)

Now the reason she was bugging me is of course we got a Wii last year, it was the family Holiday present. Of course since she is a Fire Emblem Addict we have Radiant Dawn. So I go to port the Path of Radiance data to Radiant Dawn. I follow the onscreen instructions and lo and behold, frozen Wii at the port point. Sigh, technology is great when it works. So first has anyone successfully ported the game over and if so, did anyone have troubles and if so what did you do to overcome them?

Now for the woe part. I figure MAYBE branches etc are the issue. So I try to copy the game onto another card on the cube (figuring I will go back to the other game I started to get better a score on one card but delete all but the completed game on the the other card. It is not able to be copied. OK that just pisses me off. Since I LOST all saved games to a bad card before, I try to keep backups of each game on a secondary card. I know the cube is dead, but am beginning to see why.

Girl Gamers - part 2

Ok, now that I have had my rant about people wanting to market to those among the gamer community who happen to have indoor plumbing instead of outdoor, let me go off on the community itself.

First there are the members of the community who seem to believe there are no female gamers. That all gamers that run under a female name are male. That no female is capable of playing a game much less coding one. See one of the comments a member of the marketing panel (male member I should point out) was that the industry maybe needed more female coders and builders to draw more "girls" to gaming.

Ahh well I pointed out to him and I will again remind people of the history of female coders in gaming. There was woman on the DIKU development. Pickle Wars was developed by a woman, who else would think of using a salad shooter to disable aliens? They exist, look at any game you love. Maybe there is a female coder on the credits, maybe not, but the fact remains they exist and have for a long long time. The problems are either they do not get much recognition or like me , they tend to be gamers first. Yep they are not INTO making something just for women, they are into making a good game. Or they spend hours, weeks, months developing a game to have the project leads and/or the VP take the credit - like most of the other coders on the project.

So, you want more female developers? JUST HIRE THEM! I know of many women who are in the industry and out of a job. No, they may not be game developers per se but I bet they could blow away half of your C++ developers. Hire the developers and teach them the industry. Give the team time to develop a good game and listen to them when they say something is not working right. Oh wait, maybe you should do that with male developers too. Bugs might not run so rampant in games.

So, why this sudden concern that women need to be game developers? Because the gaming industry has peaked out. Yep. See it used to be people learned to code well then learned to apply that to an industry. But now people teach how to code for a specific industry. Well, gaming has finally ceased to be the loose cannon industry and has become big bucks (thanks for that WOW). It has ceased to be where the independent thinkers and developers go and become a product a label and set of people to market to. And guess what, they are running out of gamers. (Maybe they NEED to produce better games, but we won't go there.)

So they need to create a new set of gamers. They are trying to convince us that women need to game. Now how are they doing this? by showing a bunch of girls around an Xbox. They are having fun. They are all hot. They are gaming in full makeup. Ok that is just an insult. I used to come home from work, cook dinner, take a shower, change into sweats and proceed to blow the hell outta things in Doom. Especially if the marketing department pissed me off. Then I moved to Dungeon Keeper, now it is Overlord. I play MUDs. I build for a MUD. I write for various gaming sites. I do not wake up, put on my makeup and get all dolled up to blow things to bits. Neither do any men I know. When was the last time you saw someone at home playing WOW in suit?

So, how to convince girls that gaming is something for them? By putting women in prominent positions on the the game dev team and marketing that. Only thing is, if the developers all look like the girls in the pictures, we won't buy it. We won't buy your con nor will we buy your games. BE REAL. Just hire excellent coders no matter what their gender is. Let them create good games. Market the hell out of them and price them reasonably. We will come and we will bring our friends.

Girl Gamers part 1

Another label. It looks like this one is sticking, so it seems time to address it.
First let us look at what it means Girl - female, not yet adult Gamer - someone who plays games.

Well yes there have always been girls who play games. Jump rope is a game, chess is a game, Ace Deuce is a game (I still own you Brent), females both adult and pre-adult have been known to play these games. But the epithet Girl Gamer refers to any female who plays a console, computer or online game. Females have played these for as long as they have been around too, suddenly though we are labeled and they are looking for ways to market to us. Pity they are probably going to ruin some great games that way.

See this is my problem I am not a girl, although I did start gaming when I was one. BUT I am a gamer who happens to be female. Several things started me thinking about this, but the most recent was on Valhalla. See another female approached me said wouldn't it be great if we had an all female Clan. I said "no".

Why you ask? Well gender in not basis for commonality. Yes, there are some things you can say I have in common with other females, they tend to be biological in nature. However, I like playing RPGs and strat games. My friend prefers FPS, another friend will only play things like Bejeweled and dominoes. Yet, we are all female. So when you get us on a place like a MUD we all head in different directions. I go for the quests or off to role play with friends, Elly heads off to the casino or other mini game and Cathy is off to PvP. Same game different aspects. That is what is great about MUDs.

I used to like FPS, when I did I played Doom, Zero Tolerence, and Descent. I liked the graphics and the playability. They were not games made for women they were made for everyone and were good games. Prince of Persia is still one of my favorite games. Last I checked that was not marketed to women. Why do I not play them anymore? I got bored.

Strategy games work for everyone how do you market strategy and tactics to a gender? Either you can counter that attack or you cannot. Gender does not matter when you are besiege and trying to fend off the attackers hoping they starve and lose troops before they manage to undermine your walls. When running pirate ships against a blockade your plumbing is not going to help or hinder the situation. Either the game play is decent and the situation realistic or it is not.

Earlier this year I took part in a panel on female gamers. It started out as rah rah. Girl gamers rock etc.. Then the nasty truth began to come out. Not all of us like the same type of games. Not all of us are the best at the games, but we still like to play. AND not all of us like each other. Because well, we are people and guys don;t always like another guy just because they are male and play the same game do they?

We were asked what could be done to bring more women to gaming. None of us agreed. Some wanted to lose the chainmail bikinis and get real armor. Some liked the revealing nature because it showed they could kick ass with less than a guy wore.
Some wanted some beefcake, some said no it would embarass them. Some wanted to save the prince, - ok most of us wanted to save the prince. It was what we did with him after we saved him that we differed on. Our point to the marketeers - yes who else would hold such a panel - was "Look either you game is good or it isn't. If it is good we will play it. If it is not we won't. It's that simple."

As for us uniting because we are all girls I think one in the panel said it best. "If you are on the other team you are my opponent. This time we may be team mates, next time you may be on that side. When we are on the same side I will work with you. But when you are against me I will do my best to kick your ass." Yep, that is the right attitude GAMER first.

Where have I been?

I have been goding xones for a MUD port 4242 if any mudders are out there. I have been writing and most of all I have been harassing my teenager who turned 16 the other day. Am I around? yes. Alot no. Check my blog or contact me via other ways. Oh yeah if you are lucky you can catch me on Guildwars when I am not on the MUD.


An Article I wrote for J2 games and added to my blog as well. This editor and my interface hate each other so please read it here.
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