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Yeah Sooo, It's Been Awhile

I am writing this as almost a look back of sorts, looking back at what once was my profile, well I guess it still is but it feels like it no longer is. It has been I believe two plus years since I logged onto my profile on Gamespot and boy has my taste in games changed. I used to be a big RPG fan but now the only ones I am currently playing are Fallout 3 and Persona 4. I am now much more into first person shooters like Resistance 2, Killzone 2, and of course Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, although I still look forward to the new Final Fantasies and Kingdom Hearts I feel my desire to play those games haven't wanned. Any way I am here to say that I have moved on and now have a username at Giant Bomb. My username is Boom_goes_the_dynamite so yeah I reccomend Giant Bomb intensely, it is just so much fun there that it should be illegal. So yeah thats it I guess, if I remember I may occassionally log back on but I doubt it sorry, so in case I don't see you good afternoon good evening and good night. (Truman Show, good movie)

Summer Movie Reviews

Ok so I have already seen four of the summer movies so far and over the next couple days or even weeks I shall give you my take on them, however expect this list to grow with Hancock, The Dark Knight, Get Smart etc. OK so the movies I will be reviewing shortly will include Iron Man, Indiana Jones: and the Crystal Skull, The Incredible Hulk and the newset, Wanted. Just for a little sneak peak of what you will later see here is a brief overview of the movies in general.

First off Iron man: best superhero movie since the first or second spiderman.

Next Indiana Jones: It was ok but not the best or worst Indiana Jones flick.

Then The Incredible Hulk: Makes you believe that reboots are a good thing.

Finally Wanted: Seriously felt like I was on some type of drug after seeing it because my adreniline/heart was rushing at 400 beats per second. Why 400 its in the movie.

Now I will not give my final rating on each until I am done the reviews so sit back, watch and prepare for the movie reviews, in the next couple weeks.

Ocean's 13 Review, Finally

Ok here we go, sorry this is so late but you know the movie is probably comming to DVD soon so this review should help you to figure out if you want to see it or not. I was pleasantly surprised about this movie, I was expecting it to be bad or just eh but it was pretty good a lot like the first one in that it was really good. I can't really tell if it was better than the first but it was close, which was a good thing seeing how bad the second one was. There were no romances, no going to Europe just a story of revenge of the 12 (not 13 ike the title would suggest), but not even 12 there was a few smaller roles to play in the scheme, against Al Pacino's character. He had basically hurt a good friend of theirs and they all wanted revenge of the money varity, seeing how powerful and rich the guy was. Al's character was a hard casino owner the who ran his casino's and hotel's with an iron fist that OCean's crew of corse ruined. The only thing I didn't like about the whole movie was that at time's the movie seemed slow, I don't know why but I was expecting it to fast paced like Las Vegas. Also it used a lot of stuff from the previous movies as jokes or whatever which didn't make it bad just felt a little lazy, although it might have been used again as comedy being seen again but it didn't seem right. The movie was fun and funny and seeing the crew still something that wasn't an egg was great along with the fact that Julia Roberts wasn't in it (shock she wasn't in it I was surprised as well), not that she wasn't good I just wasn't in the mood for a love story,it was a great movie to see over the summer. I don't want to give away too much, not that I remember it all, but it was a fun movie to watch and I would reccomend you to see it with an 8.5 out of 10.


Smash Brothers Brawl News:

Look who has Un-Wrapped himself to the World of Brawl

Well it may not be huge news since we already knew this but Snake has finally been offically announced as a character in Brawl and he has some awesome moves other than jumping out of a box and to see them all go to http://www.smashbros.com/ so there yoou go have fun with that.

No it isn't a Movie Review but it is about the Movies

Finally I am back to the movies but before I get to the review, I have an announcement to make, when you go to the movies bring an ID or verification of age if you are going to see an R rated film. Now to the story,yesterday around9:30 at nighta few of my friends and I went out to see Superbad so we all got tickets for the 10:10 showing. Everything was fine we got the tickets got popcorn played some video games as we waited until we could go in. When we are about to go hand in our tickets to go into the theater area a security gaurd stops us and a bunch of other people asking for IDs. Let me say this I am 17 I saw 300 without showing any ID when I was 16, I have donated blood and I have a donor card because of that, and finally I have a small gotee type thingy that a lot of people have. The only thing I don't have is my license, so what I still have my permit. But I have no verification of my age because my student ID doesn't have my birthdate on it, in fact only one of my friends had his ID, so what happened next you may be wondering, well I wish I could say we got in but we didn't, we had to go back to the ticket people and get refunds. In the end we ended up hanging out at my friends house and played, of all things The Movies, by the way a fun game I may end up buying today. Looking back on it today I should have shown my donor card with my school ID and said well you have to be 17 to donate blood right. But what was so stupid about the whole thing is that one of my friend's mom ended coming in and said we were all 17 or older and could see the movie but the guy was beeing all stubborn saying that she would have to see the movie too, why you may ask I don't know. Another thing that is so stupid is that I saw 300 before when I was not 17 with my two friends and never was asked how old I was. Finally I was ticked that if it mattered so much to show my ID wha wasn't I asked when I bought my ticket and why is it that a security gaurd is the one who stopped us. I totally understand the whole thing that the movies don't want younger kids seeing movies for older people, but I am legal age to see it and buy M rated games but I need ID and all I have is a permit. So there you go it was fun but I did have a lot of popcorn to eat with no movie to go along with it.

Caption game

Ok so today is yet again not a review for a movie I saw, sorry but instead I bring you a neat game of sorts where you write a caption down to a screen from a video game. Today's game is Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and with the offical release of Peach for the game but with that came a funny picture:

Funny right? Well if you can think of something even funnier to add to itin a caption write in, the winner will be chosen in a week or when ever there are enough people who posted, so ask more people to post. Although you don't win anything, but you get the pride of being the funniest for a day or maybe a week, ohhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhh. As soon as one competion ends another one will begin so let's go!

Resident Evil 4 and Wisdom

I interupt what was supposed to be another movie review, but for Ocean's 13, to give you all a quick little thing of my week so far. Well let me start off by talking about a game I got on Tuesday for the Wii. The game is Resdent Evil 4 and it is really fun, I never really was into getting a Resident Evil game because I never really liked zombies all that much, in fact one of the only zombie movies I saw was Shaun of the Dead, which was good. However after months of reading good reviews for the game on both the Gamecube and the PS2, and my friends telling me I had to get the game I finally did. But instead of getting on the PS2 I decided to dish out $30 for the one on the Wii and finally get another Wii game, and I have to admit I do not regret getting it. To me it seems like the best Wii game that handles shooters so far and after playing only 3 hours of it so far it is easy to say it is my second favorite Wii game so far (Zelda is number 1). My only problem with the game is that I don'tfully understand what is going on, and that is probably because this is my first Resident Evil game. I have to admit I really like the game and wish I got it sooner. That was probably the best part of my week the worst was getting my wisdom teeth out, hence the wisdom in the title. Yesterday I was put to sleep in the doctor's only to wake up without four teeth, numb and drunk. I actually ended up remembering a lot more than they told me I would. I remember waking up and opening my eyes once or twice during the procedure, which was neat. However the pain didn't come on until the novicane wore off and then I was in pain, in fact at one point there wasn't a spot on my face that didn't hurt. Today however it isn't hurting as much but I am stil swollen in the face and I still can't eat solid food without biting my gums and hurting myself, so I still and only eating jello and other stuff like that. So there you that is how I stand so far, the next movie review should be comming soon, oh yeah and don't forget to watch the Super Smash video I uploaded.

Big Movie Reviews

Ok so over the past few months I have seen a number of movies at theaters all were pretty good they included Spiderman 3 (as stated in a previous post), Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Ocean's 13 and finally Transformers. I personally thought all of them were good even though many people say that Spiderman 3was horribleand that Fantastic Four 2 was even worse they really weren't that bad, so lets start off with the first of these movies I saw (oh yeah there will be spoilers):

This is the Spiderman 3 movie poster with the black symbiot suit of spiderman and the regular suited spiderman.

In my personal opinion you should not trust what the critics were saying about this movie I thought it was a good movie, butby far the weakest of the three Spiderman movies. Itstill had the feeling of the other spiderman movies but it still fell under the curse of having too many villians in one movie. So basically this moviehad a lot going for it while having clear faults with it. First I will go through the positives there were some great action sequences especially the ones with Spidey going against the Sandman that had great graphics and sequences. Next there was the plot which actually made a lot of sense to me Peter wanting revenge and the symbiote feeding off of that making his actionsmore extreme. These scenes with Peter lookingdark were actually comedy points whichI found hillarious with the crazy dancing and theflirting, showing the effects of the symbiote.Next thecharacters and the actors playing them weregoodas a whole with oneexception, but that will be saved for later. Starting with the main man Bruce Capbell of course, playing a FrenchMatridee turning into another hillarious scene but what is Spiderman without him in the movie. Now on to Peter Parker or Tobey Maguire who once again seemed to do a very good job being Peter Parker again. Bryce Howard was a very good Gwen Stacy she really fit the part and made you want Peter to get together with her instead of Mary Jane. Finally there is Topher Grace playing Eddie Brock and Venom of course and I have to say he was really good playing the roleas Spiderman's Arch-villian. There was much speculation around Topher Playing EddiesBrock because Eddie was supposed to have abody builder's body but Topher Grace wasskinny but to me it worked very well because what body builder would bea photographer and it also worked because he was so similar to Peter buthe let Venom take over him.

The story went a little like this Peter is planing on proposing to Mary Jane but as he isriding hisscooter he is intercepted by the New Goblin aka Harry Osborn bent on revenge forPeter killing his father. However Peter is able to beat him but Harry ends up in the hospital with amnesia not remembering that Peter is Spiderman only remembering that Peter ishis best friend. Next it is found out that Flint Marko had actullay killed Peter's uncle and had escaped police custody, but unknown to Peter is that after escaping Flint is turned into Sandman. Eventually Peter resolves to ask Mary Jane to marry him at a French Resturant however due to her jelousy at Peter's success and her sudden failure at acting she ends up storming off after Gwen Stacy walks in talking about how Spiderman had saved her and that Peter is really helping her in school. The incident where Spiderman saved the day was when a run away crane basically knocks down the building (not really) Gwen is working in, which is where we meet Eddie Brock afree lance photographer, like Peterwho is trying to get the pictures of Spiderman. Petereventually gets soangry about Flint Marko he goes to his apartment where the symbiote that had landed on earth is following and feeding off his emotions him andlatches onto him in his sleep where Peter wakes up later not in his apartment but on a skyscrapper. Somehow Harry gets his memories back and kiddnaps Mary jane and tells her that if she doesn't break up with Peter, Harry will kill him so she does. Once Peter finds out about Harry's involvement, by a cool scene in a dinner, Peter allows theblack suit to take over andtakes revenge on Harry, thus difiguring him. Eventually J Jonah Jameson puts Peter and Eddie on the task to get the photo that ruins Spiderman,Eddie seemingly gets it but turns out to be a fake with Eddie being fired and blacklisted. Eventually the suit takes over Peter so much that he wears it all the time under his clothes and it affects his emotions and actions, eventually leading to a big dance number and Peter hitting Mary Jane. After this fiasco Peter goes to the church where the sounds of the bells disperse the Symbiote however Eddie is at the same church asking God for help in destroying Peter for making him lose his job but as he leaves he is taken over by the symbiote and becomes Venom.

Eventually Venom teams up with Sandman to take down Spiderman by first kidnapping MJ. Well Sandman turns into a giant sand creature and takes on Spiderman while Venom taunts and attacks Spiderman, all hope seems lost until the New Goblin appears and helps Spiderman. The reason for Harry's change of heart is that his butler informs him how his father really died so Harry basically takes down Sandman with some bombs which left Venom, however Venom was able to grab the New Goblin's board and deal a death blow on Harry. Peter would have faced the same end if it wasn't for some well placed pipes/sound from the pipesthat weaken Venom enough for Peter to pull Eddie from it. However once trapped in sound Peter throughs one of the Goblin's bombs in while Eddie jumps back in to reclaim Venom, seemingly killing them both. In the end Peter gets back together with MJ and Harry does die and Sandman explains that he didn't mean to kill Uncle Ben as he floats away in the wind.

Now that I have explained all that I need to get to what I didn't like so much about this movie. First there was Venom, which I did like but there were aspects of him I thought could be better. 1) There was no reference to his name at all. 2) He wasn't introduced until the very end wher he could have easily been a one villian movie. 3) He wasn't the main villian Eddie Brock Venom is a main villian if they wanted to use Venom put him in a movie as the only villian. 4) They never made him appear to be the anti-spiderman he really is. 5) They killed him off where they could have easily made a spin-off of only Venom being a villian or when he became a hero, or kept him alive for another Spider-man movie. 6) THe same bomb that only scarred Harry at close range, managed to decimate Eddie and Venom (although not all of it was destroyed there was still a tiny bit of it left) come on! I just thought they could have done Venom a lot better or at least gave him a little more respect. Ok I really liked the movie and the actors except I thought one could have been better, who was it, none other than Kirsten Dunst (MJ) who to me did a lot better in the first two and wasn't believable. However it could have been the way she was written for this movie making her whine all the time a being jelous of Peter, being famous,which is just stupid, I don't know whose fault it was but it could have been a combination of writing and acting that set me off there. Finally I thought the movie should have been longer because there was just too much to fit into it that you missed too much, which is why they should have done one at most two villians because the third made it seem a little jumpy. So basically it was too much to fit in one movie. Well that is all I rate the movie a 4 out of 5 because it was very good but it was lacking in some important areas. The other reviews will be comming soon.

Spiderman 3

Ok so Spiderman 3 is comming out next week and I cannot wait.  I am a huge Spiderman fan, not a nerd about it, but Spiderman is awesome and the next movie looks sweet.  There are three villians, which I was first worried about but it seems like it will work.  By the way the villians are the Goblin (Harry), Sandman (Flint Marko) and Venom (Eddie Brock Jr).  I am so glad that Venom is in it, I was worried for awhile seeing early renderings not looking like the Venom I know and love but seeing the finished product it looks awesome.  Topher Grace is playing Eddie Brock a fellow photog of Peter's who is more assertive and a ladies man than Peter until the black suit bonds with Peter that is.  If you know who Topher Grace is then you will know that he played Eric Forman on That 70s show and this character is very different from Eric, who also liked Spiderman.  I have heard that people didn't like this idea of him playing everyone's favorite villian Venom however to me it works well.  I will admit I have read a few Spiderman comics including those of the Ultimate veriaty that takes a young Eddie Brock Jr. who has the same scrwanyness as Peter and turns him into a giant monster seeking to destroy Peter, and to me it works for the movie that seems to incorporate both the regular and ultimate versions of Spiderman.  Although I do like what I have been seeing of Venom and Spiderman 3, I worry that Venom was not done well enough along with Eddie for example....

*may contain spoilers* (only of how much a character may appear in the film)

....from what I have read it seems that Flint Marco's character is much more developed than Eddie's, including why he goes to a life of crime.  But it could be the fact tha Venom posions the mind of its user, you get why it is known as Venom, like the symbiote does to Peter (symbiote is the same as Venom or black gue).  Also it sounds like Venom may only appear in one fight at the end of the movie, I don't mind this but come on the people want Venom at least give us more.  If you know anything about Sam Rami, than you know he did not want Venom to show up at least yet and cares little for the character only adding Venom because the people and his bosses have been begging him for it.  This makes it appear as though he is not really trying too hard to make Venom great because the movie was originally going to focus on Sandman.  Although I am looking forward to the movie and I know it will be great, however I will be let down if Venom does die like all the other villians.  They can easily make a new movie based upon Venom as an anti-hero or of his vigillante days.  Why introduce him for such a short time and then kill him off?  But I know the movie will be great and I will attempt to see it opening day.

I will be adding more Spiderman related posts as the days go by with more information each day.  I f you want to know more about the super powered aracnid just ask and I will answer.

The Wii

I have finally gotten the Wii and I am glad that I did because it is awesome, but I and probably you already knew that.  Now I know I have stated in the past that I didn't like the Wii and that the PS3 was the best, well that changed, kind of, although I am still a avid Playstation fan and I would still rather have a PS3 but a Wii will do nicely.  Now I have learned to like the Wii before by playing it at a friend's house and it was great and I wanted it but was unable to until now.  It is awesome even though I am still a hugh Playstation fan it is just to darn expensive right now , and my parent's won't get that for me so I need a job, but I will wait until I have take my SATs this year.  BTW my parent's got me the Wii as a Christmas gift but weren't able to get it until know a week after my birthday, but it is cool.  Well just thought to tell all of you out there, well there you go.

300; Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix; GOW; Sims 2; and much much more

Today is Monday March 19 and I am home from school sick with a 102.8 degree fever.  Well not right now but I had one earlier, if I had one now I would be delerious.  Any way on Friday March 9 I saw 300 on opening day with a few friends and I must say the movie was awesome.  It was  underatted by many people, sure it had large amounts of violence, and sure it had some nudity in it, but that only made the movie better.  It had no big name actors in it but it did follow the comics well and did I mention the action that was sweet.  Not to mention the story was pretty good too, oh yeah and did you hear that Iran is saying that the movie 300 is propaganda against their country and is no longer showing it.  I learned this, this morning while watching G4 ( I know the best news station ever right),  anyway the movie was great and if you can still see, I reccomend seeing it.  Oh yeah and THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Right now I feel bad so I will add more a little later.

 Ok I am back now it has been a while since I started this post but today I will attempt to finish it.  I currently am hosting the secret video from Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and just to tell you it looks sweet.  Also if you wanna seee new info or videos of Final Mix you just need to check www.KH2.co.uk I think and it will give you a bunch of videos from final mix gamplay ( like the new bosses) and new videos of COM:Re which looks even better on the PS2.

Now onto God of War, a couple weeks ago I finally got GOW this was because it was only $15 at Circut City and when there is a game that cheap and good I have to get it.  Well anyway I originally started this post to tell all of you that I finally got it but over those few weeks I actually was able to beat God of War and personally it was a great game, although my only complaint is that I wish it was longer.  And I know those out there will be saying that why don't you get GOW II to continue the God of War experience and to those I say I wish I could.  I currently only have $50 and I know it is enough to get GOW II but I want some money after I buy the game but also with my birthday in one week I may actually be able to get it then or use money to get it.

Now on to the Sims 2, I had originally played the Sims 2 at my cousins' house like two years ago and I really liked the game and wanted to get it so a month later for Christmas I did.  However I eventually was starting to get board so I got an expansion pack and another and another until I had them all except for those atuff packs, they just don't pull me in and wanna get them.  Well anyway I ended up getting the Sims 2 seasons pack when I got GOW because I still had Christmas money and it was also on sale totalling less than a $50 dollar game pretty sweet right.  Well when I seasons I was like wow what did they add to this they didn't add nearly enough items and it seemed like it wasn't loading that well so I saved and closed out of it and haven't played it for awhile.  Now I wish EA had added a little more to it because with the idea of the seasons pack I thought of the original vaction pack and thought of all the stuff they added with that, I mean they added a lot, but the seasons wasn't anything like that so I am not entirely glad I got it but with time I may enjoy it more, hopefully.

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