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When is Vol. 2 Comming Out !!!???

I have just recently beaten a great underated game, known as Dot Hack//GU: Rebirth. This game has been given low scores because the reviewers say it is borring and the story is lacking.  WHAT? The story is lacking are you serious this is one of the best, intruiging, and complex  stories I have played through in a while.  I just don't get it, I have played all of the original 4 dot hacks and they are pretty sweet, however many reviewers state that the game is still basically the same in controls and other stuff like that.  No it is actually quite different a new compared to the previous ones, I really do not understand a number of the reviews, I find the game to be really fun I probably would have put off beating the game for a little, just because I like to savour games. However, I was soooo addicted to this game that I just couldn't put it down, whenever I tried switching to Okami or Marvel Ultimate Alliance or even Final Fantasy XII I would see myself instead continuing to play Dot Hack.  Anyway now that you know that I like this game I was just wondering does any one know when Volume 2 is comming to the US.  It was released in Japan in September and 5 months later there isn't even a US release date yet posted, arrgh.  I have to find out what happens to Haseo, Atoli, Ovan, and all the rest are here on Gilligans island,.......I think my brain just exploded.  To make my point clear Dot Hack is a great game series that I think any RPG or MMORPG fan should play and I just need to know when Dot Hack GU vol 2 is comming out so I don't spend all my money before that.

PS: Banana, Wrench Saturday, Frogs, Cannopener

PSS: If you couldn't tell that was suposed to refer back to my brain exploded, I can extend a joke for hours.

PSSS: Dot Hack being awesome is not a joke it is awesome, seriously you should get it, or at least rent it, or play it at friend's house to find out how awesome it is...................and then buy it.

One of the scariest days at school EVER!

Those of you reading this have or have not heard about this on the news in recent days, but on Friday at my High School a bus went out of control hitting a total of 14 students with 3 injured on the bus.  Oh by the way I go to Pennsbury High School and I am an 11th grader so there you go.  It hasn't been 100% proven but it looks like it was a technical malfunction on the bus that made go out of control.  The good part of this story is that 16 of the students have been released from hospitals, however there is still one girl in the hospital in critical condition.  This all began after school at the East campus, our high school is so big it has two campuses an East and a West seperated by a quarter mile of space and football field.  After picking up several students at East the bus driver was abou to go over to West to pick up the rest however the bus went out of control and onto the curve hitting a total of 14 students.  However the bus continued down the road towards West to try to stop the out of control bus.  After ramming the bus into a fence twice, to slow it down and then a retaining wall at West it finally stopped injuring a total of 3 students within the bus.  The girl still in critical condition wasn't just hit by the bus but was completely run over injurying her legs severally and causing internal bleeding.  I was not involved in this accident but I heard it while I was walking to my house that practically shares a backyard with the school grounds.  After I finally found out what it was (the bus ramming into the retaining wall) I ran towards East to find out if everyone was OK it turns out the ambulances and police showed up mere seconds after the accident, thankfully.  This is where I found everything out from friends who witnessed it, while running to school in mocossins, I didn't have time to put my regular shoes on, I noticed several heliocopters in the air that were news heliocopters and found out this had already reached the news both local and national.  Just felt like writing this down and hoping that the girl stil in the hospital will get well soon. 

PLaystation 3

I so can't wait to get the PS3 but there are those out there who like to put it down and to those I say for shame.  Don't get me wrong the Xbox 360 is an Ok console with only one good game yes I said only one cough...Gears of War...cough.  I am not being a fanboy here either by stating that I want the PS3 I just want the PS3 more than the Wii and I just don't care about the 360 because I just have to wait awhile and get all their good games on the PC.  I don't think I am making much sense here so I guess this is just venting or ranting but anyway let it continue.  I may not agree with those who put down the PS3 but I will defend your right to say it unless your a otal idot and have nothing to back up your views.  Its not that I don't like the 360 its just I have never played it and being a sony fan I feel I must not like it or get it unless I am playing at a friends house then I may like it.  I know I am making no sense at all sorry I am writing this at like 12 am why just because I feel like it.  I hate the way people put down sony's online stuff hey it is only starting off and they can easily make it better and its free, free stuff is great but first you have to dish out the 600 dollars ouch I think my wallet just broke.  But when you factor the cost of the internet into the Xbox 360 it will balance out in a year or so.  Sure the first few games for the PS3 may not be the best but hey when are launch games the best but resistance is good.For example the Wii launch titles really only have the new Zelda game no offense to the other games but the only ones I have heard of are Red Steel and Zelda and Red Steel didn't get that great of ratings.  The PS3 does have Resistance which looks and is sweet but I can't wait for MGS or FFXIII both of them so the great games for the Ps3 will be rolling in soon enough but the Xbox 360 finally got its great game recently with gears of war which looks great so I think I will get it when Microsoft releases it on the PC.  Although I really want the PS3 it just isn't within my pricerange for right now and I don't think I will be getting it for Christmas with college coming up in two years (I am a junior) and my parents already told me I wouldn't be so you know.  I may very well be getting the Wii before the PS3 oh yeah by the way I like the Wii it just worries me if there will be games for it in a couple years seeing what happened withe the gamecube.  Well consider this rant offically over. Phew I am going to sleep.

Final Fantasy XII

This is one great game here.  I mean I haven't played a final fantasy game for awhile now and this one is one of the best.  The story has been very cool with lots of sweet action and the graphics are best I have seen on my Playstation 2.  I mean I have only had the game for about a day now and I am already amazed with what they have done with ths story, I am both confused and amazed at the same time this is just a sweet game and evryone who likes Final Fantasy should get it. 

The battle system has changed as well as a lot about the game including the confusing license screen.  But of course it still has the final fantasy fell to it.  Although past Final Fantasys have been more invloved with magic this one seems to be more around technology or at least a good balance of both which almost makes it more believable because of the great story telling.  I have only played the game for about 3 hrs and I already know it is going to be one game going on to my favorites list.  I would write more about the story line but I do not want to ruin it for anyone so I won't unless asked.  This is a game any RPG fan should own.

Full Metal Alchemist: The conqueror of Shamballa

I hope I spelt that right.  Anyway on the 12th of September I went out and purchsed the Full Metal Alchimest movie, but I am sorry to say I haven't watched it all yet, due to a hectick school shcedual with AP coarses and band it is hard to have any free time to even write this.  That was a long sentence.  Anyway what I have seen so far is awesome but so far all that I see are parts in the real world and only a flashback in Shamballa.  I will probably go finish watching the movie after I write this and I would write about it afterward but I don't want to give too much information away and stay up till 3 in the morning to write a post.  I do know one thing for sure and that is if you like the show you will like the movie which I know is awesome given what I have seen.  Oh yeah and if you don't know what Shamballa is, it was the world Al lives in where alchemy is possible and is the science of the times.  On the other hand once Ed crossed the doorway to the other world to save his brother he crossed into our world during and after World War I where there is no alchemy.  So the movie is generally about the two brothers trying to join up again in one of their worlds.  Oh and by the way everyone's favorite character Maze Hughes is back, well an alternate real world version of himself, but he is a nazi sorry to say.  If you want a better back ground on Full Metal I will try to write a summary of the series, or at least the end, soon in small chunks. 

Last Day Before School

Arrg it is the day before school today for me and I have no supplies yet but I don't care I just don't want to go to school.  Summer vaction felt so short this year, that's probably because the teachers went on strike hal way through the school year because of that my summer vacation was shortened by 2 weeks.  I still have som over summer homework to for history and english so I am in trouble, *cough* procrastination.  This just plain bites instead of doing what I have to I am writing about what I have to do arrg why.  Thats all for now I better get to work, later.

PS3, WII, or Xbox 360

I felt like taking a quick poll of all those listening out there of which system either PS3, WII or Xbox 360 they like the most and would much rather own.  Polls usually do attract readers and writers so I hope this attracts some people.  This is not a poll on which is better graphically or cheapest but one about what do you like the most.

Finally DSL!

Recently I installed a DSL unit into my PC so everything loads and downloads faster.  And I can finally watch videos on this site and not wait an hour for a 3 minute video to load.  I actually got the DSL unit like three weeks ago while I was in  Florida on vacation which was fun being in Disney World for a whole week but when I got back home it was hotter there (or here) because of the Northeastern heat wave we had.  But i did get to go swimming which was relaxing in the heat.  In fact one day I was back at home (actually at school for band)  we lost power which was cool, I like the dark.  But any way the DSL is way awesome and I am glad I no longer have to deal with dial up.

About Me

I just realized something today, that I have been joined to this site a while now and I haven't posted anything about myself, well here I go.  First off my username for this site is Zguntype0, the name came about because when I was younger two of my favorite shows were Zoids and Gundam so I decided to put the two names together to form Zgun.  The type0 came across because both Zoids and Gundams were robots and there was types of machines of the shows so I just decided that this would be a cool name. 

My real name is John and I live in Pennsylvania with my mom and dad.  I currently am 16 years old and in the summer between my 10th and 11th grade years of Pennsbury High school.  This year I have faced a several stupid things including a teachers strike, and a couple teachers I hate.  I am in the band and the marching band so go ahead laugh it up but at my school it isn't so bad since we we do have world recognition and we do get to go on trips.  To top things off I do occasionally get comic books but mainly Spiderman comics, because heh Spiderman is awesome and still holds the worlds rank as the movie that grossed the most money ever.  This all has to do because of the spiderman movies and the fact that I won a life-sized Spiderman from blockbuster when the first movie came out.  By the way Spiderman 3 is going to be awesome, Foreman is on it (Topher Grace from that 70s show) playing as Eddie Brock who eventuallly becomes Venom sweet!  Oh yeah by the way That 70s show is a good comedy you should check it out Monday to Friday at 6 and 6:30 on UPN and 7 to 8 on FX.

I don't think I  have said enough about me yet but if you have any questions about me ask away.

Please ask.

I'll wait for you to think of something good to ask.

Please just post something I don't care what. 

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