@crusadernights: What? The worst textures or 1080i and worst frame drops like Ps4? Anyway, differences you can't tell when playing? Morons really play marketing numbers and in an online gaming world prefer prehistorical networks...
@crusadernights: Do you need it? I think you know them very well. As a blind fanboy, you can only see Halo and Gears, don't you? Keep fooling yourself...
@crusadernights: Keep dreaming. The evidence was clear: Xbox has the BEST exclusives in most gaming categories. I play both plataforms and every exclusive games good enough (MP just on Live for obvious technical reasons, as evidences - again - make it clear. Check the last report, by the way).
But another point is clear also. The PS4 has the worst acclaimed exclusives, just like Umbrella Corps, Godzilla, Star Ocean, Hatoful Boyfriend, Knack, The Order, Driveclub, God Eater Ressurrection, Wonder, No Man's Sky etc.
Don't fool yourself: clever gamers won't never waste time with games like that. Quality over quantity. Be a gamer. Don't be a fool. Facts. Not opinion.
@crusadernights: 1 - Street Fighter had a poor receptiion and the evidence is how the community is already dead. I won't talk about sales numbers (poor by the way), because it isn't a definition of quality. Insteaf, Liller Instinct is strong enough and reached the esport level;
2 - Sunset Overdrive: you use only sales numbers, but can't say it is a bad game. It's the best TPS right now. What is the other option? There isn't and I just take objective factors, like review opinions;
3 - infamous and Bloodborne? Put them in their respective genre and let's check. I didn't listed many genres, but I can if you want, with many Xbox exclusives.
Anyway, what I said remains: the Xbox has the most new best exclusive in every genre. You've checked the list start already...
Zicoroen's comments