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ZimpanX Blog

Death comes so sudden at times

This is quite abit tough to write about, but I cannot shut up about something like this.

I recently found out that one of my former classmates have passed away. I may not have spoken to her for quite sometime though it's still affects me as we were in the same class for 9 years and that's just something you just don't suddenly forget about.

She and her boyfriend had both had a couple of drinks and they decided to go up on the roof to watch the sunset when suddenly the glassroof under them cracked and they fell and both of them died instantly as a result.

At least they both left this world sharing a happy moment together wich is a slight bit of comfort, though perhaps not to their closest friends and family that of course must feel awful right now. I hope they all will be able to work trough the tremendous amount of grief they're are going through right now....I don't what else to say except that we all inluding myself will miss you greatly....our dear Malin

May both of your souls R.I.P.

Stepping back into the light

Hello all you GS members!

I know I have not been blogging for over a month now but I had some things that I needed to take care of, like school work and stuff but now I'm finally free and can put most of my focus on what I like...one of them being video games :P

Another thing that kept me really busy besides from shool work and other personal matters was the Halo 3 Beta.

What can I say? Bungie has made an awesome work so far and Halo 3 is looking to be exactly what I hoped for and not a "Halo 2.5" as kinda feared after seeing the very first multiplayer screens. The gameplay is kinda like a mix between the first 2 games but with some new twists and turns to really enhance the experience. The focus is now more on weapons, grenades and melee as it was in the first game rather than dual-wielding, even tough you can still do that in Halo 3 it does not really give you the same kind of advantages as it did in Halo 2 due to some new and great weapon balancing. One example of this is the return of the original assault rifle from Halo: CE but it now has greater accuarcy and has a much powerful feel to it, though it can now only carries 32 rounds per clip instead of 60 not to make it too powerful, it's also the default weapon in most multiplayer modes wich makes you a deadly opponent right from the start of a match.

Aside from all the new kind of weapons you'll find when playing Halo 3 there is a new type of grenades called Spike Grenade, it pretty much works like the plasma grenade except this one sticks to every surface of the map, including walls, vehicles and of course your enemy, or perhaps your fellow teamate if you get unlucky. There is also a kinda neat twist regarding the turret weapons. You can rip them off from their place and carry them around though they are very powerful they are not the most accurate type of weapons you can use and you also see everything from a third-person perspective when wielding them, plus that you'll move a bit slower due to the heavy weight, an other example of the great weapon balancing in the Halo 3 Beta.

There will aslo be new vehicles in Halo 3, one of them that I got to try out in the beta is the Moongoose it has no weapons but travels at a very high speed so it's basicly a point A to point B vehicle but it can become a bit deadlier as the guy sitting behind the driver can use his weapons to try and take out the enemy as best he can, be careful though one well placed grenade or rocket can set you, your friend and the vehicle up towards the skies.

One thing that is entirely new in Halo 3 is that you can now use so called equipment, one of them wich I found very usefull is the Bubbleshield, how to use it you simply press X to and the mechanism will fall to the ground and create a sheild around it wich can really help in tense situations to let you catch your breath and try to lure your foe inside for a well placed melee attack or round with the shotgun, just be careful no one manages to sneak in a grenade in there while you're in it. Another type of equipment is the Trip Mine, and what it does is pretty obvious if you trip on it it will go "boom!" so it can be very usefull against vehicles or to place near an entrance of a structure, just try to let your teamates know where you placed it or you might get aso called "betrayel" you didn't wish for. The last type of equipment you could try out in the Beta is the Gravity Lift, and it will lift pretty much anything that steps above it, it does feel a bit "gimmicky" but I imagine it can be very useful say when the enemy is trying to penetrate your base enctrance with a tank but will just lift and hit the wall becase you placed the the gravity lift right in front of the entrance, or if someone is trying to hit you by surprise you can perhaps disturb him a little by launching him up in the air to get the momentum.

I've seen many mocking the game's visuals that it does not look as good as say Gears of War, I agree to an extent but in a way the comparasion is a bit unfair as the environments in Halo 3 are just so much bigger and you can play with twice as much people online compared to Gears, besides we've only seen the multiplayer aspect of Halo 3, the singleplayer portion is bound to look much better not to mention this is only a Beta build people and plus it already looks awesome as it is.

There are so many things to say about the Halo 3 beta I have not even mentoined the new modes such as V.I.P and all the available weapons and gameplay aspects but that would take forever, all I can say is that if you're a fan of the series you won't be disappointed the slightest bit of wha tHalo 3 has to offer, well at least not the multiplayer aspect of it, I can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing multiplayer and I woulnd't mind if that was a multiplayer title only, but the facts that there will be a singleplayer campaign that hopefully will be as great as it was in the first game (there are even words about 4 player co-op :shock: ) just makes me even more excited and I can't wait....I mean seriously I can't wait I miss the beta already.....pretty much daily :P

What else have I been up to? oh yes I was at a LAN party last weekend with some of my closest friends and it was a blast as you can imagine, but I'll talk more about that later... this blog is becomming long enough as it is already :P, but I will tease you a little with by showing you this pic, mehehe

I'll soon also give you another edition of my top 10 list blogs and taking on a new genre, a very popular one both in the west and east...I will not give anymore clues than that :P. I already decided in what order to place all the games I just need to come up with some bullcrap to fill it all out a little hehe.

As most of you know GS now has a new system for reviewing games and I gotta say I really like the emblems idea but not too sure about the rest of the changes yet. I really do miss the old system but I guess I'll adapt and learn to like it, I just need a little more time I guess :P, though I wonder will the user reviewsbechanged as well?...I guess only time will tell

I've also gotten myself some new games lately, and I really enjoy all of them so far and they are...

Tomb Raider Anniversary

Forza Motorsport 2

Rise of Nations

I've also orderd Resident Evil 4 for the Wii from the net and I thought I would have it here yesterday but I guess I have to wait til monday hmm...

I've also written a review about Forza 2 you can find it by clicking the pic below, other than that I have not much more to say at the moment I'll see ya all soon again, and I'll try not to be gone from the blogging for that long again :P Laterz!


Back against all odds!

As some of you know I got some new PC parts recently and I installed them and everything went just fine, plug and play basicly. But after I tried out the parts with some games and 3DMark and such then bam! my PC frozes. And I thought it was just something temporary so I resarted it but I got no picture what so ever, so I tried everything, pluging and unpluging all the parts, mailing tech support and asking for help here on the forums trough my uncle's old dusty PC.

And tomorrow I was gonna send it in for service since it had been dead for 2 days without any luck until just recently I tried taking out the memory and clean as I recall somebody suggested it to me, so I did as one final desperate act and amazingly it worked! it actually worked! So now I'm back and the 2 assigments I had on this PC that has to be in by Friday can now be done afterall :D, and all my other files are intact...losing all my music and such and game save files would have been a major pain :P. I almost lost all hope there for a moment but I'm glad I didn't give up.

If you excuse me I have to check out some blogs that I have missed during these last dramatic days :P

Uploaded some Airsoft pics

yeah it's true! just click on the image section and click the airsoft album, I warn you though If you're sensetive of seeing a weapon or such you should probably avoid these pics, other than that enjoy ;)

New PC parts and a fun yet not so fun Airsofting session

I've ordered new parts for my PC today, here's what I ordered

XFX Geforce 8800GTS 320MB

Fortron Source BlueStorm II 500W PSU

Zalman CNPS9500LED Ultra Quiet CPU fan

and also another gig of RAM so I'll say bye, bye to a 440 bux though I will get a little bit back when selling my current graphics card and power supply, and everything will arrive later this week....can't wait! :D

Yesterday me and a bunch of friends once again went out in the woods to airsoft for 10 hours straight and yes it was a blast as always and afterwards we sat at the fire and grilled some hot dogs and hamburgers, in other words it was a great day except that my Desert Eagle I use is pretty much completely broken as pieces of it has fallen off and it has started to leak gas from the mags and it constantly keeps jamming. So a little tip to you all if you gonna airsoft...do not, I repeat DO NOT! buy products wearing the HFC brand the quality sucks ass, I only had the gun for barely a year and a I never droped it or anything it just simply broke from doing what it was made for.

So yeah that sucks so I'll have to get myself a new gun and right now my eyes are on this one....I just need the bloody money :P, also many of my friends took pics from our session so If they will send them to me I'll gladly post them up here if you like ^^

until next time fellows and have a happy May! ;)


Some major "house cleaning"

Since I've had the feeling I've been missing out on many of your great blogs recently due to a certain little glitch, and that my profile have been pretty slow to load I've taken off some people of my firends list as It's seems like the best way to solve that problem, 295 people to be exact meaning more than half of of the people I've been tracking, though don't you worry as most of those where users that have been even either perm banned or haven't basicly contributed anything or very little however If some of you feel you have been wrongfully removed wich is a possebility since It's hard for me to keep track of over 500 different profiles then just send me a PM about it and I'll concider adding you back on. Oh and I will still accept friends request though far from every each one of them as I used to so you gotta work for it a little like sending PMs etc. for the chance of me accepting it to increase.

Oh well enough of that crap let's talk about what I have done so far this weekend.

Yesterday I went out with a bunch of friends downtown and we ate some delicious Pizza together and met up with some other friends at the beach and grabbed ourself a hotdog from the little fireplace they had started and then after that we went over to one of my friends house to watch some movies and such on his 42'' Samsung 1080p LCD display along with new surround sound and bass...and yeah that was pretty cool xD. The movies we saw were The Big Lebowski and Unrest, both were decent movies in their own right especially the first mentoined as it was highly entertaining and just overall cool film, I can pretty much recommend it to anyone out there that enjoys watching movies, however if you don't feel like watching it for whatever reason this clip summarizes it pretty well....well yeah...to a sense at least :P. Unrest is more for those wanting to get scared, sure it's a B film and tend to be sometimes pretty cheesy but they have put in good effort in to the sound and scare-effects and therefore it might be worth the watch.

That's all for now and I'll see ya around as usual ;)

Oh just one last thing...Soul Calibur II review

10 best platformer games of all time

Another month another top 10 list and this time the luck has come to platformers, so I say enough with the chitchat and on with the list already.

10.) Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64, released year 2001)

Conker is asquirrelthat gets drunk one night and tries to find his back home...and boy what an adventure that turned out to be! While it looked like a typical kids game at first sight you ended up being totally wrong when digging deeper as the game involved alot of swearing and even sex jokes, but the game always keept it self on the right side of the edge and is one of the most unique and entertaining platformers out there. The game also got remade for the Xbox not too long ago under the title Conker: Live & Reloaded

9.) Jak & Daxter: The PrecursorLegacy(Playstation 2, released year 2001)

Naughty Dog abonded the Crash Bandicoot series only to give us an even better title that almost made us forget all about it. The game was Jak & Daxter and was one of the first games that showed what the PS2 was all about with it's excellent gameplay. visuals, sound and design and the always so hilarous companion Daxter. The game also got two sequals after it that were at least as fun to play and I can't wait to see what Naughty Dog's new project Uncharted: Drake's Fortune have in store for us.

8.) Super Mario Bros. 3(NES, released 1990)

For the first time since 1985 Mario went back to his rootswith Super Mario Bros. 3after the not so big hit Super Mario Bros 2even though that wa still a great game most of the fans missed the core gameplay and Nintendo listened and delivered as Super Mario Bros. 3 did just that and also improved the formula in pretty much everyway and because of that it's still one of the most rememberable 2D platformer titles to date.

7.) Jazz Jackrabbit (PC, released year 1994)

This one of the very first PC titles I got to try out in my life and it's still one of my absolute favorites as the game just slams the word 'cool' right in your face cause that what it is, the coolness itself of the platforming genre, and all I can say to you developers of platformersout there is watch and learn...watch...and learn.

6.) Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (Playstation, released year 1997)

I think this has to be one ofthe strangiest and yet most original platformers I've ever experinced and remains one of the most fun Playstation titles even though a challenging one, and the sequal after it was awesome aswell meaning that tooit'sa must play.

5.) Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (Playstation, released year 1997)

Castlevania is a long running series of great platformers and it's witch Symphony of the Night Capcom got it all right, everything from the weapons to the gameplay, bossfightsand music was was near perfect and this amazing title also recentlygot available for download on the Xbox Live Marketplace for even more to enjoy at a decent price wellworth paying.

4.) Super Mario 64 (N64, released year 1996)

Mario goes 3D on the N64, and what happends? He happened to define how platformer games should be played and executed in 3D on the very first try.....I have no words of how much of a milestone that is. It was pretty much worth it to get your hands on the N64 only the play this amazing masterpiece that it was...and still is.

3.) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis/Mega Drive, released year1992)

Sonic is back after the succes of Sonic the Hedgehog on year earlier, and he's cooler and faster than ever before and almost knocked Mario himself of the platformer throne, Sega had gotten themselfes an extremlystrong trumph card thatpretty much alone drove the success of the Sega Genesis console.

2.) Super Mario World (SNES, released year 1991)

Mario meets up with his dinosaur friend Yoshi and togheter they help to bring os the best Mario title ever created, it was so great it almost felt ahead of it's time as I yet today cannot believe this game was released back in 1991 seeing how good it looked and played from start to finish and still does.

1. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Genesis/Mega Drive, released year 1994)

Many think that after the second game the Sonic games have gone downhill ever since and that the third titlefailed to evencome close to the second game's greatness. And all I can do is to stronglydisagree as the third game of the series looked better, had way more fun and variedboss fights, introduced the extremely cool characther Knuckles, had downrightgenious level designs, more and better powerups, and featured some of the best music I've heard in a game...ever, sure the cool bonus levels from the second game was gone and replaced by these 3D ball chasing levels, but to be fully honest those very equally as great as the bonus levels featured in Sonic 2. The game also became twice as long when inserted into the Sonic & Knuckles cartridge and made Knuckles playable the entire game troughand was very differnt to play with comparedto Sonic, bust equally as fun to use. Soall I can do is to go down on my knees and bow to the best Sonic title ever made.....best platformer ever made....perhaps even the best game ever made...

Worthy Mentions

Super Metroid (SNES)

Megman X (SNES)

Banjo-Kazooie (N64)

NiGHTS Into Dreams...(SAT)

Crash Bandicoot (PS)

Super Mario Bros. (NES)

Psychonauts (Xbox)

Sonic Adventure (DC)

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA)

Super Mario Land 3:Wario Land (GB)

Ratchet & Clank (PS2)

Spyro the Dragon (PS)

Tomba! (PS)

Yeah maybe a bit too Sonic and Mario dominatedat the end, but then againthis is my opinion and I'm not gonna lie about just to get the list more varied. Anyway that's the list I hope you'll enjoy and if you have managed to miss out on any of these awesometitles make sure to give them a try as soon the oppurtunity is given. Until next time folks!

Previous entries:

10 best action/adventure games of all time

10 best fighting games of all time

The big screen...and not so big screen

Hello again fellow gamespotters It's time for another blog from little me :P, and I've decided to tell you about a few things I've been up to these last couple of weeks.

 One thing is that I've been doing some visits at the movies and here's the ones I've saw...

The Good Shepherd

Edward Wilson ( played by Matt Damon ) is a young man part of the Skull and Bones, a secret group of the Yale-univeraty, wich you early on find out is up to some wierd buisness, I mean nude men fighting in mud and getting peed on....Anyway other than that Edward lives quite a normal everyday life except that his father shot himself in the head when he was just a little boy, and his father left him a note...a note he have never opened. Edward is a kind of drawnback and silent young man, may have something to do with his earlier and unpleasent life experiences, but luck is on his side cause he meets this cute though near deaf girl in the library one day. It basicly love at first sight and they look to live on a happy life togheter. But one day the head people of Skull and Bones invites him to a party and he end up sleeping with this girl that seem to want him nomatter what for whatever reason. Edward afterwards completely regrets what he has done, though tries to live on as nothing have happend. Unfortunally when spending some quality time with his love at the beach a guy shows up, turns up he his the brother to the girl he slept with, also known as Clover ( Angelina Jolie ) and he tells Edward that she is pregnant, so Edward takes his responsebility and marries Clover ans shortly after he gets a offer to work for the CIA back in Europe to help resolve the conflict of WW2 as it turns out his secret group have had a connection to them all along, he accept the offer wich means he will be from home for several years, and here is it all begins....or it does not really begin cause sadly it keeps the very slow pace all trough out wich hurts the movie alot, you'll get the feeling that you've been a the theather watching the same movie for a week wich is not a good thing in this case, and it's kind of a shame since the story has some great potential and the movie is full of well known and appreciated Hollywood actors. So I can't really recommend this movie, at least not to everyone out there, though if you really wanna see this movie then do just don't expect to much of it.

and now on to second film wich is...


Jaguar Paw is a native of the acient Aztec Empire and also the son of his tribes chieftain, and they're all hunting in the forest, having big familys and live quite happily togheter...until one early morning their village gets overunned by a group of soilders and everyone is either captured or killed, including Jaguar Paw that gets caught when running back to save his father, and just ends up seeing the throat of his father get cut open, Jaguar along with someothers of his still living friends gets taken away, but Jaguar knows something that no one else does... his pregnant wife and and young son managed to escape down a big hole in the ground the problem is they cannot get back up anf they'll die there unless someone good manage to find and save them, Jaguar must now manage to escape and to run back and save his family from a certain death, something thats turns out to be much easier said then done. Apocalypto is directed by Mel Gibson wich also directed Passion of the Christ wich many of you probably have heard of, so this movie is at least as bloody and gory as that movie where though one key difference, this film is actually worth your time. The movie is full of action, and has some many impressive special effects and fighting scenes, and the movie feels very believable and realistic most of the time wich really help to immerse you into the experience, So if you feel like you wanna se something actionpacked and different than you shall concider watching this movie cause the only real flaws is has is that it's unecessary gory ( at least to most people, especially the younger audience ) and also predictable at times.

so yeah that's the movies but I've also gotten myself 3 new games recently and those are...


Been playing the demo of this for quite a while, and I needed to play a different type of sandbox game, and I wanted to partipate in the Halo 3 beta, so this was a very natural purchase for me, I've only played it for a couple of hours so far but I'm liking it :)

Table Tennis

Yeah been a long time since I've played a sports game ( if you don't count Wii Sports ) and this one looked more interesting than most other sports games out there atm, plus a little certain GS member have bugged me to get this game to challenge him online for quite some time, but hey the game is great so I can't complain, can I? ^^

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

If you you read my previous entires then you know I had an impression blog on this earlier based on my demo experience so I'll keep this one short....if you like RTS games you need to get this game ASAP...no excuses!


So yeah there you have it this is part of what has kept my bussy these last weeks. but there is one thing left for me to say before I say goodbye and that is that I want you to check out Nellynoway's lastest blog entry cause if he don't get enough feedback he will stop blogging...for good! and we don't want that right? so please do him...and me this small favor plz ;)...anyway that's all I have for you for this time I'll c ya when I c ya
