Not picking on LOS but rather how CV has been treated in the last few years, while the N64 Castelvaninas where flawed they had more of a Castelvanina/adventure feel to them than the PS2 versions of the game which were more flawed they might have played better and were better paced in some regards but the games themselves felt like generic hack and slashers with a Castelvanina theme.
SOTN revolutionized the series if not the "metrovina" genre itself, Circle of the moon was pretty damn good too, dissonance of harmony was a bit generic but offered 2 freaking castles,Aria of sorrow continued the generic feel of the series but it was nicely polished. Only the newest DS title Order of Ecclesia is pretty good, good to see it get away from the "of sorrow" story line that was getting rather played out.
If anything 3 things hurt 3D Castelvanina's the most bland level design leads to boredom as you are just moving from place to place and not exploring a new world,lack of depth of combat can lead to both frustration and repetitivity and finally if skills,magic and items are poorly paced it just stacks all the negative feelings about it.
Also if equipment sucks (FF12 anyone?) and dose not really have any depth in equipment that can also play a role in being annoyed with the game.
Now as far as them taking the series in the God of war direction, GOW is just an action/adventure title with a fixed camera and some QTE for the most part it did what it did well, I would not call it great but its good because it brought some attention to the better designs of the gene.
Still I think that Castlevanvina is better suited to being more like Zelda or Fable than a static action type of game.
-------Started the thought starter.
CV reboot rant, how zippy would do it
Castlevania CV 1 reboot.
Plot generic medieval region is terrorized by Dracula and the darkness that surround him, for decades the Belmont blood line has been fighting such evils in secret now its time to take the fight to the light of the day and night of the moon.
The Game will be setup as a ARPG leaning on combat and exploration akin to Zelda and Fable with hints of Witcher here and there.
The region is kinda laid out like Zelda:OOT, where the castle is always looming off in the background like mount Hiryules mountain.
You have the main quest on your journey to unlock the secrets of darkness around you so you can get to the castle and side quests to do in order to accomplish upgrades, new abilities and pad content.
The basic mechanics and or skills are:
Basic attributes: Health, Defense, Courage and Will, Health is obvious as you level this att up you get more health and a tiny regeneration rate(read below so you don't freak out, you shuld be allowed to turn it off which sticks regen at 0.1 percent and makes healing items do 12X the effect they normally do minus any healing over time after effect) , Defense is well how much damage you can soak up and a tiny bonus to regen, Courage is basically manna which is healed by heart drops, hearts are metaphysical offerings to darkness, where you find hearts you find darkness least in the CV world. The hearts can be simple flower light bundles of energy that appear as a beating semi translucent heat that is kinda made out of tiny petals.
Anyway…. Courage works as Mana max and tiny bit of regen will works for a tiny bit of regen and your magical and mental defense.
Items: Yes ITEMS say it with me game industry ITEMS that you can stock, sort and use….. for the sake of the noobs auto use the lowest carried non special item so they don't have to fumble with an extra button. Also calculate items used per area and offer to sell them off(that's right we have stores too) all in one button push at the shop but keeping X amount to be used. When needed. Items increase the regen rate of healing items, up to 2X the rate of the item so you can balance it out without losing anything much less flow.
Dexterity Jump,wall jump, double jumping ,charged moon jump, auto dodge, moon walking, easy backward flips, running and dodging are all things that fall under this category, whatever improves dexterity improves all of these abilities, and equipment can be specific or general. Each primary Dexterity skill offers 3 levels of itself to find, each level offers more protection and greater speed.
Whip skills: Basically everything you can do with a whip, the whip is both a weapon and a tool and can be enhanced with elements and statuses, it's possible to have 2 whips a general grab bag vampire killer that handles everything and a utility whip which dose little damage but if enhanced right can hold, knock back enemies or be used as a shield and can be used to pull or lift(as long as there is something above it) heavy objects.
Combat: Combat revoles around a mix of lock on and unlocked but assisted aim combat (which you can adjust the sensitivity of) ala god of war, Fable or Zelda. Combat pretty much covers your combo list, you can perform 3 different rows of combos depending on the primary enchantment, ect of the whip, the primary enchantment, ect of the utility whip and the level of secondary skill you are using. Combos tend to be 3-4 button combos long, also while in the air you can use in air combos,kicks and wall jump off enemies. More potent combos use courage to power them
Secondary skills: Secondary weapons fall into their own c l a s s (dagger ,holy water ,axe ,magic ranged, magic radius, boomerang, cross ,ect) they are equipment like the whip only more interchangeable( you can make it so they only drop if you do not have them in inventory, also can make a cruse attack dose damage, not letting it cool down dose damage to the weapon, each weapon c l a s s has 3 or 6 basic versions then 3 or 4 levels of those versions that last long and use less courage to power, maybe a 5,5,5,10 drop so you get a 35% reduction in using the highest version of the weapon, you can also bring in the forge and forge various items and weapons if you want to put even more customization in,let people make crazy cross c l a s s weapons but the more crazy it is the higher chance of failure and losing your stock, sure save and retry is an option but making it 1 in 100 or 1 in 100 would make crazy weapons all the more fun to get and use ), Using the c l a s s i c CV weapons as a base you start off with a free to use under powered very short range attack for the weapon, larger secondary weapons are melee based while smaller or nonsensical ones can be used in the whips range in a 360 closet target manner(IE behind you or hitting multi targets at once ala batman).
Lvl 2 is basically the c l a s s i c version of the weapon a dagger flies like an arrow, holy water becomes explosive ,ect it puts the fuel in the fire as it where. Lvl 3 is over kill and you can unlock a lvl 4 with an item set to wear offering even more crazy stuff.
Equipment: Basic set of equipment and augmentations, Head,neck,glove left,glove right,boots and armor, all screwing with all kinds of stats,buffs and bebuffs. You can work out 12,24 or 48 in each category.
The vampire killer can gain many abilities and upgrades , the whip is made of 6 parts, the base of the hilt, the main body of the hilt, the band or neck of the hilt, the head of the hilt , the whip proration and the velvet stinger on the end, now we could use this with 2 accessories and the main armor to tweak and play with stats and buffs and crap. But to keep this simple you have 4 slots if you will on the hilt , any augment can be put in any slot giving the whip access to the ability of the augment(simple crystallized thingies ) the head of the hilt or last slot access the main combos for that augment if you have the whip unlocked enough to pull it off(say flaming whip combo that dose 360 radius damage instead of a lighting combo ,ect).
Now we can take this to the next level and tame various vehicle c l a s s monsters (skeleton motor cycle, flaming skeleton horse and the like) and make the game even more wild and fun.
On a side note I wrote a steampunkish dracula plot acouple eyars ago.
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