31. Married. Gamer. Although relatively unheard of just a few short years ago it now seems very common. Either that or it has become slightly less embarrassing to admit. Before Halo I never bothered to wait in line since I was honestly ashamed.
My wife convinced me to get in line on that late November 8th for the midnight launch at my "favorite" GameStop. I put favorite in quotes because it is the one I frequent, not where I like to be. I hate being harassed constantly for help to "find something" or to bring trade-ins.
For the 360 Launch I was very lucky. After work I went straight to the closest 24-Hour Wal-Mart in my area. They said they weren't going to have a line but I knew better. As soon as I got there I saw a bunch of gamers just moseying around suspiciously. I made a B-Line to Layaway where there was already 17 people before me. I just made it and after some line cutting, arguing and a police escort I walked away with one of the last "Premium" XBox 360's. If you'll notice at the end of that particular blog I said I never wanted to do this again.
November 2006 saw the near simultaneous release of the Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, Gears of War, Call of Duty 3 and Legend of Zelda. Arguably the greatest month in videogames of all time. My 360 fell before the sword of the Crimson Triad so I missed the Gears of War launch and I was not about to experience a repeat of the 360 launch violence. I decided I would wait with the much more friendly Nintendo fan-base.
There were supposed to be a lot more Wii's available than the PS3 so I figured it would be easier to obtain one. I have two Godson's for which I'm getting each a Wii for Christmas.
The 360 launch was an 8 hour wait until midnight. I was not willing to spend much more time than that. I created a spreadsheet with the addresses, phone numbers, quantity available and release hour to carry with me. Saturday the 18th we had plenty to do. It wasn't until about 8 p.m. that we started heading towards home. I asked my wife if she was up for waiting in line and after an incredibly supportive confirmation I starting making phone calls.
The Wal-Mart I had intended to go to politely informed me that they had a last minute change of plans and gave out the Wii vouchers early. I was told they would have a raffle. Frustrated I continued to drive until we passed our local and usually deserted Circuit City. There were about eight people in line with sleeping bags. This location was going to open at 10 a.m. I was not about to wait 14 hours.
We passed by the Target next door which was scheduled to open at 7 a.m. and the line went around the building. I wasn't even going to try Best Buy.
The GambleWe both agreed to wake up early and try the Circuit City in the Wii hours of the morning. Went to sleep around 9 and at 3 a.m. I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, washed my face and lovingly woke up the wife.
We were off! At the intersection just before the Circuit City was a frustratingly slow red light. This light had the power to snatch the Wii right out of my hands if it would not change quickly. I stretched my neck to see if the line had grown much and it had, some. Everyone was splayed out across the floor, it was very poorly lit and in a very dark place in my mind I wondered if some idiot had driven by and killed everyone in frustration.
I told my wife to wait in the car and I went to the back of the line were there were a few guys standing. The guys finished their conversation and began walking to the front of the line. I followed them counting heads all the way to the beginning. I counted 21. The employee I spoke to on the phone the night before told me they had 29.
Disturbed from the sense of relief and peace by a growing argument at the front of the line. My attention is drawn by those same individuals that were having a conversation at the back. One guy in particular was standing by the front door with his arms spread out telling everyone they were crap out of luck because they were all last and he was first. Typical crap talker as he was I was not impressed or threatened at all so I ignored his rants. It wasn't until I heard the word
gun casually thrown about back and forth between the aggressor and the Wii-waiters.
"You have a gun?" "Hell yes I have a gun!" responds the idiot.
"So what you're going to shoot me?" asks a portly fellow at the front of the line. "Yeah, I'll shoot you RIGHT NOW!" in a menacing tone with threatening movements one of which was under the back of his shirt.
I casually start walking away back to the car. After giving my wife the lowdown and watching them carefully I decide that nothing major is going to occur. After all with so many people there it would have to be a mass murder for him to get away with it and still walk away with a Wii. Carrying the foldable chairs to the line and casually unfolding them I watch carefully from the corner of my eye. The three stooges keep antagonizing the heavyset guy since he was the only one brave enough to take a stand. "Let's go, right now, come on!" they pressure. The portly guy in the sleeping bag suddenly becomes a menacing structure of impressive build.
The little wannabe gangster's back off slowly. The argument continues and I heard comments like "My brother OWN's this towns police department!" What the punks failed to realize however was that in a group of geeks nearly everyone has a cell phone. Very different to our old neighborhood the cops show up quickly. Three different cars swarm in from the three different sides of the building. The jerks start walking off discreetly and the police lights shine in my face as they walk past me. From the car my wife noticed how I casually pointed them out much like Jim Carey in Dumb & Dumber.
They were detained for about an hour as we sat in the uncharacteristically warm November dawn. The cops went back and forth between the saggers and the heavyset Wii player. The nice guy behind us in line pulls out his DVD player and we watch Superman Returns until his battery dies. One cop, who I would hate to have to ask for help one day, kept telling Heavy D that there was nothing they could do and that the little Cholo's promised to go home. "Go home and get their guns" I kept thinking to myself. I was literally imagining scenarios if they returned and what I would do to save my wife's life.
Upon hearing the unsatisfactory plan of action of said police officers 5 or 6 individuals in the line, including myself, got up to question their decision. Per my wife's advice and honesty I told them that we were genuinely afraid that they will come back with a gun and shoot. That was enough to motivate one of the other cops to take the one who did the verbal threatening into jail. They escorted his two buddies, one of which couldn't have been over 14, away from us. All this occurred before the sun even rose.
The sun comes up and what do we see. An uptight, short-haired petite blonde female in full camouflage gear, army boots and all, strutting straight to the front of the line. She has a cell-phone in hand and stands there at the front. Introduces herself to Big Poppa and proceeds to have a conversation.
I listen carefully but can't hear her words. I see her flipping cash and waiving this piece of paper around. I get close and see that it looks like some sort of voucher and it says Wii on it but it does not say anything about Circuit City. After about 30 minutes of standing there at the front of the line making phone calls she leaves.
She comes back with a little brown sob story. A child, obviously related to previously mentioned offender and he has a piece of paper and some money. A bribe! As it turns out she was his recruiter and he was scheduled to be shipped out to Iraq THAT day. They were trying to bribe the guy into not pressing charges and getting the suburban O.G. released.
They all take off together and we hear nothing more. I assume he was paid off. So when that idiot comes back from Iraq just in time for the launch of the XBox 720, beware, he will now be Government trained to kill.
My wife went to McDonald's to bring back some food for us and we ate deliciously. 8 o' clock rolls around and excitement begins to rumble. People start packing their sleeping bags and employee's slowly start filing in. They come out and stamp a paper that confirms the 29 systems they have and we do another head count. I ask people to raise their hands and I see that we are well within the limits. 15 and 16 out of 29. We'll be fine.
Sooner than later they come out and give us all vouchers. Some Jesus looking loudmouth which kept yapping all night about all he knows and Monty Python this, butts his way to the front of the line and gets his 2nd or 3rd.
At home I'm pleasantly surprised by their inclusion of a built-in Wireless NIC. I don't know how I could've missed that information but I was happy to see it. Wii-Sports and other titles that will hopefully come out like it, will really make this system stand out above the others when it comes to a non-gamer audience. I could literally see my parents trying out these games.
All in all time went by much faster this time around and even though there were moments I feared for our lives, it was memorable. Makes the next time look a little more enticing.
Will I be there next time? Probably. Will you?
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