Someone please tell me what was Nintendo's last new IP? From the outside looking in, all I see is Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda, and their gaming party mashups. That's it. I see NOTHING new and I owned a N64 when it first came out. They need to just be a software company making games and ship them to Playstation, Xbox, Pc, etc. Just give it up Nintendo.
Ugh.. from the story of this "Arkham" game (another prequel with Joker, Really?) to how this guy is talking, the Batman game is going to suck. Arkham City looked as if it was gone over and over with a fine tooth comb but I'm willing to bet that this next game will be just as rushed as that Metroid game.
Hmm... I know comic books have some "far fetched" stories so why would a fighting game based on comic book characters story be any different? Hell, Superman's heel turn is pretty interesting to me.. a dead Lois Lane? Sign me up and I'm not even a real big fighter/comic book guy.
Where is the multiplayer? This day and age a gamer must have the option to play multiplayer in their favorite title, whether it's needed or not. I guess Bioshock will have to succeed on a core storyline and play mechanics.. good luck there!
Took a look yesterday at the current stock of Wii U (Hate the name BTW) and the games just aren't there. Another half-ass Mario game (2D game with HD graphics?) and other games I already played on other consoles. They could have waited to drop this machine until quality titles were made, but nope they fail to pull ahead.
Got to follow the money trail.. and casual gamers who will microstransaction themselves to death with every add-on for the next Angry Bird-wannabe game.
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