lag slows your fps or even freezes you screen.with lag you see people skipping all over the place and your gameplay becomes really choppy. at a steady 40 fps with a smooth gameplay it's not lag it's the fact that the 2 clients are not in sync. it's the fact that on his screen your new position was not updated and since he was still hitting you (on his screen) he killed you. the server does not check to see if on your client you made it behind a wall, as long as his client says he was hitting you you get killed. that is what client side hit detection does. with server side detection it's the server that cross references your location informations and his information and decides where you actually were and if you got hit or not. the one with less ping has the advantage. with client side detection it doesn't matter how good a ping you have. if there is a large disparity between you and your enemy's ping either you or him will run into these problems. morenosubaI haven't encountered that kind of lag, must be lucky I guess, ditto wtih bullets around corners. I have just experienced a person kill me when I returned fire at point blank range only to see a 0% health on the person that killed me still moving around. Regardless, still a fun game.
ZombieJesus007's forum posts
I'm not American, so I really have no idea how you get DC from the logo. The V looks like a money symbol, which makes me think it's more likely that it's set in Vegas or something. Also, the LA thing may just be a rumour, but I get the impression that it's a credible one. I was really hoping they'd revisit Miami, though that's probably only because I adored VC and thought it was the most atmospheric and joyful representation of a city I've ever seen in any game.
I'm absolutely convinced that it's not DC though. It would be a very strange setting for a GTA game. It lacks the flamboyance and style of the previous cities, and just doesn't seem like the type of place they would even consider.
I think London would be pretty cool, though it's not gonna happen. I get the feeling they're intent on keeping the series in the US. New Orleans might be awesome for a future installment. The possible voodoo undertones, the neighbouring swamps, the jazz clubs, the post-Katrina slums... I think it'd would make for a great setting. Vegas would be nicely fitting as well.
I think a New Orleans parody would fit perfectly. London or Mexico would be good for international spots too. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Oklahoma or the murder capital... Detroit.
Yup. I've gotten 400 points from the program since I joined in May or June. I've gotten more with Bing, 800 points for just using the search engine.
Before I get a bunch of idiots telling me I'm a cry baby, hear me out. I am 28 years old and a casual gamer. I have a full time job that requires about 50-60 hours a week. I like video games, but am sort of growing out of them. Every once in a while, I like to kick back, turn a game on and relax for a couple of hours. I get it, Dark Souls is not the game for me. I never heard of it (Or Demon Souls, because I am an XBOX owner), but I saw the high reviews the game was getting, so I bought it. I had no idea that it was suppose to be one of the hardest games ever made and I guess that's my fault for not doing research. So here is my issue about why it sucks. It's simple. There are no difficulty levels. I know, people like it because of how hard it is. But what about us casual gamers that just want to kill so monsters and enjoy our gaming experience? What about those of us who don't have tens of hours to put into a game trying to beat the same boss battle? Why not supply casual and hardcore gamers with one great game that I'm sure everyone would enjoy multiple run-throughs of? I was at the store today and I saw that Dark Souls was selling for $40. A month after its release!? If stores can't sell a highly acclaimed game at $60 a month after its release, then the developers messed up. Companies are out to make money and gamers are out to enjoy ourselves. Why can't they supply us with both by giving us the option of playing an intensely difficult game OR a more relaxed experience? I don't see how that would hurt anyone? Thoughts?Crushinator22I don't see how a game selling for $40 dollars would ruin your experience but I would still give the game a chance. Log on, die, slay some enemies, die, and maybe level up. The story for Dark Souls isn't enough for a casual gamer IMO, maybe try Deus Ex or MW3.
I agree. Seems like less people are willing to use the mic with unknowns. If you see me playing BF3, I'm always mic ready.
Mega Man, Shadow Complex, Portal: Still Alive, Limbo, and The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile. All games worth my MS points and simply fun. Portal and Shadow Complex alone are worth the 1600 pricetag.
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