I better mark my calendar : This should be good. At last count there was 3-5 people who are still not convinced after May/E3 Microsoft has lost its mind, after this conference it should be clear to alllllll that there is only the PS4.
Her predecessor probably hoped for the same deal that HIS predecessor got (create xbox, move to EASPORTS and funnel better running games to the 360 and make $$$$$$$$$)
A lot easier to look at than the other clown (of course an Xbox 360 on fire flashing a RRoD would have been better than him) Makes me want to work at MS, but they probably got a rule against hitting on coworkers :)
I hear the guy who made this statement has now apologized for it. How many times have Microsoft excs stuck size 10 into mouth this past month? Starting to see why microsoft canceled its post E3 press conference, think they figured out more gibberish would just help Sony more.
Yep, it never looks good to say "if you cant play our new thingie, just keep your old thingie"
Just more of Micromehs idiocy. Bet the exces over at Sony wish they could get trapped in a temporal causality loop, just for the chance to feel this joy again and again and again and again.
If the latter month or so had been happy and uneventful for Microsoft and the Xbox, this would barely be news. Considering that the last month has been a slow motion train wreck from start to finish, with one idiotic thing after another coming out of this man's mouth ("specs don't matter "" a gamers want to do is watch TV""The kinetic is ther to spy on you... wait did I say that out loud? ") I think he either got forced out or can see a big green turd when he knows one and is getting out now. Kinda like how that CEO Skilling left Enron just before it tanked.
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