Dust 514 seems more a PS4 game than PS3, due the time the Ps4 comes out, almost nobody will not be playing Dust 514 on PS3..
So CCP has to take notice to give this game a straight good port to PS4, (Since its all possible that PS4 will handle the Port pretty damn well since its all X86 based CPU, so thats not the problem anymore. (But CCP has to focus on the Value on the armory, guns and The Currency difference between ISK and Aurum (Your Real Money) .And they have to hire more beta Testers for the sake of the annoying stuttering glitches and bugs the game has.
If they could achieve a very loyal following fanbase on EVE, then they should do this on consoles too with Dust 514, but the problem with Console gamers are the lack of interest in complex options and interest in co-operation in corporations. What im trying to say is that CCP could have a thougher time on the Playstation to convince people to play Dust 514. Because F2P is fairly new on consoles, Let alone how the New comer developer CCP, they have to study and learn what consoles gamers like before they bring out their big guns. PC gamers have more complex insight in their gaming expirience, Console gamers dont.. (It is what it is) PC gamers are far more open in those games than console gamers.
Even though i admit that i play on consoles, and i can finally expirience more other types of games than ever..
@Arcturuss I think the balance on cost and weapon strength is totally weak in this game, It doesnt matter even if you pay for AURUM Or ISK's, The weapons prove nothing to be powerfull.
@sleepnsurf @Zoza24 Why should i admit for something i like.
I think you are mistaken how many people play this game, And if you like another typical COD shooter to be smooth and fast, Then stay with Cod.
Dust 514 has a long way to go, just like EVE Universe did..
But i have to admit 1 thing about CCP, If they want to hit the Console market, then they should be careful how they work with console gamers. Console Gamers have higher standards in gameplay and value, and CCP must adept to this standard, Or otherwise they may fail with Dust 514.. But until then, lets give this this game a chance to grow..
Its by the way a F2P game so it has enough time to evolve, even more so on PS4..
Zoza24's comments