There is nothing wrong with Female lead games, but you cant just change the gender for the sake of a franchise thats been arround by 1 gender.
Imagine what would happen if the sequel of Tomb Raider is a male, everyone would be pissed off as ****!. (Hell i even dont want that bullshit to happen)
This also brings us back at the conversation what Epic Games was planing to Give Gears Of War another game with a Female lead soldier, that would hurt the fanbase.
Changing a game for something different especially gender change is not acceptable..
This has nothing to do with sexism, its just how the idea is being planted into the mind of the gamer that enjoy the franchise for what it is, if it aint broke, then why fix it?.
@Mugzippit @juboner And yet, PC will never have any real exlusive game thats precious for PC, since Most PC games are coming to consoles.. PC this and that is another shame tactic that doesnt work anymore..
@jcnba28 Thats a dumb argument to call up, Since most IP's from Nintendo exist longer than any games from Sony.. Its not that people are sick and tired, it has more to do with the direction Nintendo has to take to make a profit for their IP's.
@LukeWesty New Tomb Raider fanboys of the new Generation gamers, They probably havent played the Original Tomb Raiders to even make a solid statement about this Fail ''reboot'' which is sad
Zoza24's comments