The Rockefellers!?. The ****?, these fucking Psychos are the money supperpowers, they decide what we can do with our money, Better yet you Americans better act fast about this.
Because when they overtake the gaming industry, its game fucking over, they will try to take over the gaming industry for their own benefits.. Understand this people, they are the biggest criminals in the world, including the Rothschild..
I can see this is getting worse and worse, if they do tent to write a bill to ban violent games, then it may affect all gamers globally..
And then they may prepare for the worst Gamers and its Industry outrage, and its also a big uppertunity to protest against corrupted falls claims regarding Gaming..
Fucking serious?!, Uncharted Multiplayer makes sense, but Why TR..
Owh my, i fear the worst for this game with its multiplayer..
Not every game needs multiplayer, just respect the single player only aspect if only focussing on the Single Player, the more content we can get on the Single Player.
Zoza24's comments