@Navardo95 @Zoza24 The best thing is : ignore as much bullshit as you can, and play your games.. Im old enough to see trough all that crap and enjoy my gaming time.. If only most people were thinking that same argument.. Then we wouldnt have any fanboyism in gaming.
Thats not the point, its the constant pushing of PC is the best PC is the best while everyone knows that PC gaming has greater benefits, But its not the ''Only'' gaming platform!.. PC fanboys cant respect the choices that other people prefer in their gaming preferences. You dont need evidence and the truth to convince people that PC gaming is awesome, No!, people can make their own damn choice on what platform they play on.
The problem with Console fanboys, being delusional, trying to give the corporation a heads up without thinking for themselves..
@Navardo95 PC fanboys cant control themselves, simple put.. Which is why i dont even bother arguing with these idiots in the first place while i get best of all gaming platforms.
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