NIntendo, seriously!, dont be fucking cocky against you're consumers like Microsoft did. What Sony did is give consumers the stuff they want. So why dont you do the same for you're Nintendo crowd hhmmm?.
@DukeMagnum @Zoza24 But i still enjoyed the composition between those 2 companies in that time.. The thing we could all agree on is that both Platforms had actually alot of good games! :)
Since Microsoft injected the Xbox and then Xbox 360. Then all the console wars started. and so does the overly exlusive era started. Xbox VS Playstation.
I'd rather see Microsoft's Gaming Division fall rather then Nintendo.
@DukeMagnum @Zoza24 Im a Playstation gamer, but i would like to see more Wii-U games being announced, because i like the good old Sony Vs Nintendo Competition since the Ps2 Era.
Zoza24's comments