Zulu1Tango's comments

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@LE5LO *rolls eyes* I see this conversation is going nowhere...so it's pointless to continue. I already argued with one person on another video section about his views and I'm not about to get sucked into another one. My last comment on this matter is simply this...it's always easy to critique from the stands, while the Players are on the field. It's obvious which side of the game we are on.....

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@LE5LO LOL Damn, I knew you were a f***in' idiot but WOW did you miss my point! I was never talking about Laura( the writer) you moron. YOU and people like you, are the ones I was refering too. Yes, I completely understand the context of this article and YES I know it strikes a nerve, especially in you "politically aware" nut cases who always go off on these big ol' rants about politics and BS. The only reason people like YOU have the freedom of speech to even make comments like this is because people like ME are out here on the ground fighting and dieing to protect that freedom. Oh, by the way, your welcome. If you don't like the government so much and there's so much evidence you supposebly have, then move to another f***in' country! If your not even from America, then STFU! God your a loser.....

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I don't see the big issue here...marketing scheme? Sure, maybe...should that effect wether or not the game is going to be good? Absolutely not. I feel this game is definitely going to be an awesome gaming experience. Can't wait for it's release!

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Loved the Alien movie franchise but the video games definitely lacked. This one looks pretty promising though. Hopefully they pull it off. Not bad so far...

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It's funny how much controversy this new MOH has started on GS. None of this happened when the 1st one came out, nothing like this was ever brought up about ANY of the COD games or even HOMEFRONT, which actually surprised me. Now all of a sudden we have all these "politically correct" and "conspiracy nuts" all over the website. It's pathetic. Yes, governments lie...yes, wars aren't the greatest...yes, most of you are f***in' morons because you don't know the first thing about war because your not Service Members like myself who actually serve on the frontlines (on my 4th deployment FYI). Stick to video games and leave your political BS for POLITICAL forums...political or government issues are not going to effect video game sales EVER!!! You either like the game or you don't. It's that simple. Why even bother clicking on the link then!?

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*smart word* *smart word*.... government...*smart word* *smart word*...propaganda....*smart word* *smart word* conspiracy.... PEOPLE GET THE F***K OVER IT!!! This is a damn video game we are talking about here. Keep all the political BS for POLITICAL forums...let's stick to video games on this one...you either like the game or you don't, it's that simple, cut and dry. Stop trying to "enlighten" people to your thoughts and opinions over a video game and the rest of you (well, a few) people need to stop arguing back...trust me, I already went on with this issue on another video section. It's pointless on both sides....stick to criticizing the game. Political awareness or government issues aren't going to stop people from buying this OR any other video game EVER...so get over yourselves...it's just a game.

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I don't know why half of you even bother clicking on the link...nothing but hate. True, I agree with you guys that the last MOH campaign was very short BUT it was a pretty epic experience still. Yes, the multiplayer wasn't the greatest BUT I did like that it was actually DIFFERENT and it wasn't about who had the most Perks or better Killstreaks. Everyone was even for the most part and it depended on your skill with the Gun, the way it should be. We've had how many iterations of COD now? Yet people still buy it and play it. This is only the 2nd MODERN MOH, so I say let's give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they make an awesome gaming experience. Already pre-ordered on GovX!!!

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Edited By Zulu1Tango

Alot of us know Halo 4 is going to be an amazing game and are definitely looking forward to it's release. Already pre-ordered the LE and can't wait to play it once I'm home from deployment!

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Edited By Zulu1Tango

90% of the people commenting need to stop buying video games and accessories. Instead save your money, go to a Gun Store and purchase yourself a gun. After that, purchase 1 bullet, not the whole box because trust me, I know bullets cab be expensive. If the guy haggles you that he can't open the box for just a single bullet, just purchase the box for arguments sake. (You won't need the $ later anyway, trust me) Afterward, go home and cook yourself a nice dinner, really go all out and put in some hard work. Really enjoy that dinner while watching a good movie, maybe a romantic comedy or something to help put you in a nice cheery mood. Once the movie ends, just leave it on the credits or opening menu, you know, how that annoying music plays over and over until you select something, that part. Go into your bathroom and turn on your shower head (THIS PART IS VERY IMPORTANT) make sure it's the shower head and not just the tub faucet head, this will help clean up the mess your about to make...anyways, I digress...once the water is running, slowly and quietly sit in the tub and close the shower curtain( some of you may have a shower door, close the shower door). Sit there and think about your life for a moment and everything stupid you have even done and has lead you to this point. After a few minutes...load a SINGLE round in the chamber, put the gun in your mouth, then pull the trigger....just a thought...try it out, see what you think.

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