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#1 ZwOrb
Member since 2004 • 72 Posts

I just hate it when there are these games zithout a descent storyline. It's all about the gfx. And when they aee ok it's about the gameplay. But what about the storyline. Most of the times i couldnt stop playing singleplayer fps because of the story behind it, but these last 2 years I always played the games half way then i just got bored because the story was to bad... Maybe they should start working a little more on the story before they go on and making the uber gfx... (this also would be good for the wallet if i didnt had to change gfx cards every 6 months lol! yhank god for atis cheap solution) meh.


what i would like to see in an upcoming fps:

-post nuclear environnement or anything with a dark feeling in the close or far future (enough with the america vs irak etc, and enough with the WO II shooters. Give it a rest for a while)

-a nice storyline

-good gfx

-good gameplay 

-brutal weapons

-times of pure chaos and heavy gunfights

-times of tactical insight and cleverness

(I hope crysis will be like this accept for the darkish feeling xD) 

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