You should be able to charge it from any USB input from a computer, ps3, etc. and it should charge just find; just so long as the usb cord is getting power. If you hate charging your controller from your ps3 you should also be able to go out and buy a wall charger for it (if they are available; which I'm not sure if they even exist, lol)
You can also do what I do, constantly charge your controller if you get interrupted in some way, like if someone calls for me on the phone I plug my ps3 controller in; hit pause on the ps3 and go talk on the phone, that way the battery doesn't just get wasted while your away from the ps3, it actually charges.
Another thing that I do is swap controllers; if you own 2 or more controllers, you can charge one controller, while playing with the other, and when the battery runs low for the one, swap for the fully charged one, and hook the dead controller up to the usb cable to let it charge while you play the new one, its a fairly simple solution, but it works amazingly well.
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