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_BlueDuck_ Blog

Count Chocula makes Lucky Charms redundant

Seriously, it's the exact same cereal except Count Chocula's non-marshmallow parts are chocolate flavoured.

So basically its Lucky Charms, but the crappy non-marshmallow bits (that no one eats) are now slightly more tolerable.

Why do Lucky Charms still exist?


Being the eve of one of the biggest elections ever, I figured this is an appropriate time for me to post this.

I'm just getting tired of people using socialism as a scare tactic to vote against Obama. Now I really don't care which way you vote, but this whole socialism concern is ridiculous.

1) Socialism =/= Communism. Being a more leftist state does not make the state part of the Soviet Union, nor does having socialist ideas make you a red coat and fuzzy hat wearing comrad.

2) Socialism is simply just another political ideal. Really I don't see how calling an individual or a party socialist is any different from calling an individual or party liberal or conservative. All political ideologies just have different ideas of what the government's role is. Socialism is that the state should provide securities for the people.

3) Barack Obama is not a socialist. Seriously, ask pretty much anyone with a formal education in politics and they will tell you this. Here in Canada our Conservative government is much more socialist than the United States will be under Obama in regards to taxation and social programs such as health care. Is the Canadian economy in ruins due to our "socialist" ideals? Are all of our rich being taxed into oblivion? Are we trying to reestablish the Soviet Union? Course not. Things are going pretty smoothly.

Is this just really an American thing? Fears left over from the Cold War? If you don't like Obama fair enough, but how can anyone really have such concerns over America turning into some horrible socialist state when it's much more to the right than a majority of the developed world (you know, the developed world where people are making out just fine)?

Messages from a minimum wage retail employee

Dear customers,

I get paid to help you, and I'm a very nice person in general, so I will usually do all I can to help you out when you need something, and do so with a smile on. However, please know that I get paid to help you with your purchase, not to put up with your ****.

Maybe if I had a manager's wage I'd be more willing to be tolerant of whatever vices you bring with you on your shopping trip, but at minimum wage, I think not.

Just a few things to remember:

  • I will gladly help you out to the extent of my ability, but if you are rude to me I will be rude to you.

  • You came to ME for help. You are in need of MY assistance. So next time you think you can talk to me like I'm crap please remember you're the one dependant on me for the success of your shopping trip. I can easily tell you we're out of stock of something you really want when infact we have plenty.

  • Just because you're the customer doesn't make you right, and I don't have to treat you like you're the king of England. The more you piss me off, the less likely I will do my job for you effeciently. You may think I'm just a lowly employee but my life doesn't revolve around my job and I just laugh at you as I go home everyday.

  • I am only one person, and I do not have super powers. Don't get all bent out of shape when I have to get a 200 pound box out of the top shelves of our back wharehouses and it takes more than 20 seconds. Also, no need to roll your eyes at me when I can't help you right away because I'm busy with someone else.

  • I don't care if my store loses a sale, or if you go to one of our competitors instead. Honestly, I don't. You may think it bothers me when you say "Fine, I'll just go to X Store instead!"... but you'd be wrong. It doesn't bother me one bit that my rich employer who would pay me less if it wasn't illegal gets a little bit less rich.

  • I don't make the rules, or prices, if you can't afford something that's your own problem. Also, this is a retail store, not some road side flea market. You can't haggle with me. If you have a problem with the store, talk to the manager, not me.

  • Finally, LEARN TO READ. This one is a lot less general but it pisses me off like no other. If the newspaper says that such-and-such is on sale FRIDAY, don't come in on THURSDAY and try to buy whatever for the FRIDAY SALES PRICE, and then get mad because it's not on sale. Just because you were in town at the time doesn't change anything. IT'S NOT ON SALE YET, LEARN TO THE READ.

I guess this is goodbye, old friend.

The news that you were leaving me left me shocked and sad, and honestly I still don't know how to feel about all of this. We've had so many great times and memories and it's depressing to think they are coming to an end. Our last time seeing each other in a long, long time is coming up, and while I know I will cherish every moment of it, it will also be one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life.

I'm sorry I never really expressed how I truely felt about you. You light up my days, you're always on my mind. This break of ours will be hard and I'm not sure what I'll do with my time anymore. I just want you to know that you mean almost everything to me and I'll never find another like you. I will miss you dearly.

I love you, Battlestar Galactica.

See you again in 2009.

New Supplement

Well I just tried out a new supplement, N.O.-Xplode. Everyone seems to be raving about this Nitric Oxide stimulator/Creatine product so I thought I'd give it a try. Now usually I'm skeptical about these pre blended mixes; usually I'd just make my own stack with my own pure creatine, mix it with my own pure arginine, and mix it with some kool-aid powder and other aminos.

But I tried this one and I must say, I am very impressed. I'm not even fully creatine loaded yet and I could feel the difference. One of the best work outs (both energy wise and performance wise) I've had in a long time. Maybe it's just all in my head but this seems to be working. It also tastes delicious.

One thing I DON'T reccomend doing however, is taking it with a caffeine product.. I made the mistake of having it along side tea and a caffeine pill and I'm feeling fairly sick right now. Oh well lesson learned.

Developer for a Day 6

Well, for the third year in a row I've missed the deadline for my document. Mostly my own fault, I mean I did spend last night drinking at a highschool prom party instead of writing. But on the other hand this year's installment had some unfortunate timing. It's probably for the best, my idea still needed to be refined a good amount more and that's not something I can just force out in a certain amount of time. I will continue to work on my document throughout the months until I am happy with the end result. Maybe I'll post some concept art I've been working on in the time being.

My thoughts on the new Banjo game

I think an analogy will be fitting

This is like if I asked my mom for Mario Galaxy for Christmas, but instead she got me Mario Kart.

Now Mario Kart is a great game and I'd probably have a bunch of fun with it, but it doesn't change the fact that I still want Mario Galaxy.

I will sum up my Spring Break to Cuba in 11 photos (with narration!)

Yes, spring break has long passed, but I never got photos until now!

It all started with fun and games:

Then the booze hit:

Which turned into this:

We tried to stay fancy:

It didn't work so well:

Then disco fever hit:

..And this:

Turned to that:

And this:

Turned to that:

And before we all knew it, it was all over:

Best. Trip. Ever.

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