Cyber Replicant Human Prototype 6000 to the Rescue!
by _Islander_ on Comments
Finally! For too long, I've had 13 shows to edit. 13. I've seriously considered retiring from a dead guide just to get off that number (not that I'm supersticious or anything... :roll: ), but then realised that with my next show I'd just go straight back to 13, so I held out, and finally help arrived, in the form of a Cyber Replicant Human Prototype 6000! A Jonathan M. Shiff production. A Jonathan Flippin' Amazing M. Shiff production!!! Forget Doctor, err, what was it? Doctor Where? I've got a JMS show :) For those people out there, whom I pitty, who don't have the foggiest what I'm going on about, Jonathan M. Shiff is basically the best producer in the world. Bar none. He's amazing. He brought into the world such wonders as Ocean Odyssey, Pirate Islands, Wicked Science, and, of course, Cybergirl. Australian kidult sci-fi. Best in the world. I've always wanted to be editor of a JMS show, but *sob* history_girl seems to have beaten me to everything - Ocean Odyssey, Pirate Islands, Thunderstone, Scooter: Secret Agent, they're all hers. I mean, I know she's actually in the right country, probably knows a darn-sight more than me on them, and is probably the all-round better choice for these shows, but so what? (If history_girl happens to read this, I am of course joking :P. You do an amazing job, and deserve those guides. But Cybergirl's mine! :P). By the way, in case you cannot tell, I'm excited. Yeah, so it's a dead guide. Yeah, so I'll be amazed if I get more than two subs a year. But I've got a new guide to tinker with, to prune, to shape into a work of art. Not only that, but it's a JMS production 8). For those that are worried, don't be - Doctor Who will continue to be my top priority. This is just a fun little side project. I mean, I've got three months worth of holiday to fill somehow 8)
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