That happens to me when I sleep on my arm and then wake up to it being super numb. Takes a while for it to get back in the swing of things.
_R34LiTY_'s forum posts
I guess I can see where "Opinion Man" get's his idea from.
After all, there is or was speculation that the two leaders/presidents that were put in place in Afghanistan & Iraq were Harmid Karzai & Zalmay Kalizad whom both allegedly had a connection to Unocal, an oil company based out of Texas that is sometimes named as the people behind the "Trans Afghanistan Pipeline". Â "TAPI", as it is sometimes called, is a pipeline that is supposed to run from the Caspian Sea through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and into India. Â Drilling contracts were supposedly awarded to Haliburton, a company headed by Dick Cheney at the time.Â
Oh, and also to reverse Hussein's decision to trade his oil in Euros back to trading it in Dollars once their "guy" was in place. Â Hussein supposedly switched his transactions from the OPEC regulated sales of Dollars to Euros in an attempt to hurt the US economy for the US army not having left his land after being promised they would and the continuous bombings. after Operation Desert Storm. Â
Sounds like he spelled his own doom if this is true.
Speculation is fun!
That's about as concrete as the claim that Suddam Hussein was to be the 3rd antichrist merely because Nostradamus sited the 3rd antichrist to be name "Mabus" and well, if you spell Suddam's name backwards you get, wait for it............
I believe we go back into the world we came from before we chose to come into this existence as "John/Jane Doe".
When the Groundhog Day blizzard hit here in Chicago, which compelled many to abandon their cars on Lake Shord Drive, the city just towed the vehicles to nearby lots where people were able to claim them once the snow had been pushed aside. Â Whether or not they were charged for the tow escapes my memory bank.
Wouldn't that refer more to "consciousness" rather than to something like directed panspermia?
I think there is some truth to the claims of the Illuminati/NWO etc. as it is all just wordplay in my opinion.
To be involved in the Illuminati of course is to be illuminated which means to be "enlightened". Â "Enlightened with what?" being the key question. I suppose that we can speculate that what they are "enlightened" with is a type of knowledge that is not known to people of lesser societies. Â With the knowledge they hold they're able to dictate events that happen across the globe while anticipating those that are out of their reach. Â They understand what makes the world work the way it does while people of lesser societies who aren't enlightened but kept in the dark look at life and it's mysteries as mere coincidence. Â
In all reality they can think of themselves as gods, and with good reason, for being the bearers of this ancient/esoteric knowledge that man has long since lost interest in. Â And they prefer to horde the knowledge because if the whole world became aware of the same knowledge the "Illuminati" horde for themselves, the world would then break free of the spiritual, physical and mental shackles and we too would become like gods. Â A better term would probably be "apotheosis"....
I don't mind at restaurants since the waiter/waitress is serving me to my pleasure, which can sometimes run its course, but I'm 50-50 on delivery guys.
My work out music
Is that right? Sounds a bit harsh, no?
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