heres the answers :D and since i got tagged by the awesome Adurna0 :P i'm going to put the facts on the buttom nya :D
answering time~!
alexy-kun!!!! =D *huggles as im in same tree*
question time ^_^
1. Do you know the HoeDown ThrowDown? =P
answer: nope nya o.o ^_^'' gomenasai nya
2. What would win...naruto or sora?
answer: naruto nya~! *fire in eyes*
3. How are pikachu and gastly?
answer: good they ate all of the pizza though nya lol
4. Who's ur fave online big bro? =D
answer: mikey-san! :P
5. serious are ya? hehe
answer: great =P
1. fav game
answer: kingdom hearts 1 and 2 and chain of memories of course :P
2. Fav anime?
answer: air gear nya! air gear all the way nya! :P *hugs my air gear pillow*
1. Would you trade me your Charizard for my holographic Blastoise?
answer: if the charizard said ok :lol:
2. How old you is dawg?
answer is: if you mean how old i am i'm 14 nya :P
3. Why is Kairi your all time favorite character, and how many underscores (___) are in your name?
only in kingdom hearts 1 in kingdom hearts to..shes not as cool as she namines my favorite favorite in 2
and 5 on each side so 10 :P nya
Colmillios sempai:
How do you stay so hyper all the time?
answer: i'm not sure. its something great i was born with i guess :D
If you could name a pet after a anime or gaming character what name would you use?
answer: for a doggy, ringo for a hamster kisshu (tokyo mew mew kisshu and air gearr ringo)
Do you have any plans for the summer? answer: no Dx not yet nya...
If you could smack anyone on the series Naruto who would you smack?
answer: sakura! she always hurts naruto nya lol
If you could Kiss! anyone from the Naruto series who would you kiss??
answer: i'm gonna skip this one by saying deidara-kun since he is my brother after all and just on the cheek nya :P
-Katsuri- kat-chan:
do you like saying "Nya~" alot?
answer: yep! even in real life along with nipah, mii, na no da, hai at random times to and others lol
bunnies4ever bunny-chan:
1.Do you like cookies?
answer: i love cookies nya :D
2.Who is your favorite anime character of all time?
answer: agito/akito-kun! nya! hyperness a virtue?
answer: yes :P
4.why are video games so awesome?
answer: cuz they hm..have they're hair cut at nara's hair place and yes video games have hair :P
Adurna0 anna:
OK, um... What do seko and bink look like?
answer: seko has light blue and purple hair well bink is all brown and the same kinda dog as my muffin-chan :P
sirracanna sirral:
1. How awesome do you think I am?
answer: 100%! nya!
2. Do you love Kingdom Hearts...*Opens arms as far out as they'll go* THIS much?
answer: that much and more nya! xemnas: no..i love kingdom hearts more...=.= me: nuh un! xemnas:...=.=
3. If you could bring any video game or anime character to real life,which one would you choose?
answer: i'd ask if i could swich the deal and if i could i'd go and live in the anime air gear in my own anime form nya! :P
fave color,
answer: yellow like pikachu
answer: pichu
fav rpg,
answer: kingdom hearts
fav hair typeanswer: short yet long good hair :P
and how are you?
answer: good nya
facts time!
fact 1: one of the weirdest facts you'll ever read but whenever i hear the song Mastermind by MSI i think of Light from death note dancing to it with ryuk in the background dancing with a apple nya :P
fact 2: i'm very obsessive nya
fact 3: i LOVE plushies =D
fact 4: i'm going to start puting the weirdest facts from this point and your all gonna be like OMG is this alex?...
fact 5: i SOMETIMES daydream of my boyfriend in a wedding dress..its normal for me i think alot of weird stuff nya :P
fact 6: i like making quotes after the anime higurashi but i just like making quotes nya
fact 7: i have a pet baby dragon named coco =D
fact 8: i'm a familiar thats why i'm cat/fox like its not cuz i'm a neko cuz i'm just not so don't get confused nya :P lol
fact 9: kingdom hearts is like my role model :P
fact 10: i have the weirdest most awesome dreams in the world! or..i think i do :D
thats all for now~! thanks for the Q's everyone nya! *waves* :P edit: gomenasai! i forgot.. ^ ^''
the people i tag are~!
1: kngdmhrts2
2: rocklee_112713
3: sirracannal
4: MareInfinitus
5: and my friend ember cuz ...just cuz nya :P
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