For a homework assignment, i need to find a copy of the script (online, obv)for the movie Scotland, P.A. problem is, its an independent, not really known movie. PLEASE help me!
i was just wondering who thinks they have the most diverse music collection... im talking about ppl who have country and heavy metal on their ipods, etc...
i love how one of the most famous series (movie and book) wasnt one of the choices. i chose none of the above, cuz the harry potter series is just, well, amazing.
ok, in no way im saying that i agree/disagree w/ u, but seriously, if u dislike the guy that much, why did u take the time to make an entire topic on it?IMO, ur either wierd or extremely bored to do that...
i noticed that no one else answered ur question about how long it takes to be decent at it... so i will. it really depends on how dedicated u r to learning. i learned to play basic chords and all the notes and note-reading stuff in about 5 months, but i was playing for a good 2-3 hours a day. and after all that, id say im decent at it...
i, personally, would do the second one, but i have a question first: y arent u getting paid minimum wage? its illegal for u not to get paid at least that.
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