Fillin up a 2TB drive seems a little excessive if you ask me. It seems like you collect junk data and just save it. Probably archives everything, even stuff you dont use. Unless you got allot of HD movies on your drive.
I wouldn't call it junk data since its all useful, and comes in handy when Im bored, I also archive alot of home videos and photos.
I remember when I got my first GB HDD, and I thought I would never fill it up. Later I thought there would be no way I could fill my 20GB drive up. Then 100GB, Then a TB. I'v got just under 4TB right now ( no porn;why store it on your computer when the net stores it for you?) between my HDDs. I've definitly learned one thing over the years: If you give me more space, I will find ways to fill it up. This goes for living space as well :D
What do you use to store your 4TB of data? a home server? or just a few external hard drives?
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