If man was created to follow orders, then why were we given emotions and a rational mind? waZelda
This is true, however I believe it is alluding to the inherent evil that resides in all of us.
What do I mean by that? Simply this: that every one of us has a force inside of us trying to get us to choose wrongly. You speak of spreading the word of God, in my observation it has been spread already. You speak of people choosing or even knowing what is right or wrong, in my opinion people have this as well. The only thing that can save us is a complete submission to God (and by consequence, His laws), to allow him to shape us into a godly being while simultaneously striving for it ourselves. The submission to God's laws are, in my opinion, a MAJOR one.
Christianity teaches that these laws are done away with, think for a moment how that sounds. "You don't have to follow God's laws anymore", it sounds awfully like what a certain serpant said to Eve a long time ago. Unless we can discern and use higher-thinking, we will be swayed by the rational of men.
For example, you mentioned how it doesn't seem fair or right that God could shape people to follow his orders, are you saying He cannot do as He pleases? Who are you to decide this?
My point is that the world has shifted towards making God accountable, which is why many Athiests (at least the ones I know) are the way they are. It is not fair, they say, that God does this or expects that. Well excuse me, but He created the universe and He DOES have a plan for it. So if you think he's gonna change his plan when it clearly says "He is the same yesterday today and forever" than I can't reason with you.Furthermore, if what He is doing seems wrong to you, too bad. You can't wish him out of existence nor change his mind about certain things. The All-Powerful Creator runs the show, and just like when a mod of mine in a game is behaving contrary to what I want it to do, so God will "delete" thjose who do not do as he pleases.
Athiests get FURIOUS on that point, they lose it. and I can KIND of see why, on the other hand, if I held a gun to their head and told them to do something or I'd kill them, I guaruntee they would do it, especially if it where for their own good and the good of others. God's rule and his laws are the same thing.
Sorry for the rant, but I didn't know how else to explain my stance on the "potter and the clay" thingy. So yes, we do have free will, but recognising our faults (especially the inherent ones, i.e. "born that way") is essential to transcending above the humanly-physical condition to spiritual.
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