Anybody enjoying Big Brother should prepare to be have their senses overloaded;² the rest of you may find life chez spod a little dreary.
Last week I had an (outer) ear infection, and was in chronic pain from Sunday evening through to Tuesday. It made my jaw so saw that eating hurt. It's now largely cleared up, but there's still gunge in there, and I'm out of medication. So it's back to the sawbones.
Anyway, with the ear ache at it's peak, I had to do some work on rentacoder. But the assessment that I got was fantastic ("Very knowledgeable and pleasant to work with." - makes you wonder if I'm the same spod y'all know, doesn't it? ) and my fourth straight 10/10 on means I've secured a "Top Coder" icon:a long way from my shaky start; proof that if you persist, you get there. Work from an existing client has also guaranteed me a payment for the end of the month. I'm hoping the government won't dock me too much benefit because my left shoe--still so new that I haven't scuffed the shine off--has cracked across the sole, and needs replacing. But the benefit people were uncertain.*
The search for more permanent work might be looking up – I've been assessing a web site, and the owners are interested in discussing the possibility that I might, perhaps, be taken on as a webmaster, on the kinda terms I could accept (like 20 hours a week). I'd be happy, except I'm too cynical to believe it will really happen, and the job involves managing over 100 web sites in an indeterminate state. (Me: BTW Do you realise (a) you have unsecured access to your entire customer database, including names, addresses, emails-addresses and unencrypted passwords and (b) that your hard disk is in its death throws? Them: Ah, "no" and "no".) So it's been about as much fun as counting worms in an open can. And exhausting, too; which and means I haven't made many job applications. Still, despite a sleepless night before-hand, the job centre people were happy. And the school lab-tech job I didn't get has been readvertised - and they've put my application back into the Top Hat^H^H^H^H selection process.
However the week's top disappointment came on Sunday, with the rejection of a short story I'd submitted for publication. (PM me, if you wanna read it.) That was the one thing I'd of liked to have gone in my favour. But now I've re-read it, I realise it wasn't dsserving enough; infact I wrote it in full knowledge that it was the kinda short story I hate – but when you're in the desert and thirsty, you'll drink muddy water. And it's opened up a new stylistic direction to explore with a more deserving idea. So with patience and determination, I'll get there. Pretty much like reading this blog. :lol:
* UPDATE: I've had a letter telling me my benefit is changing from £60.50 to £60.50 (yes, you read that right), so I'm probably getting to keep the money. :)
² UPDATE2: Darn it, I understand something interesting has actually happened on Big Brother. ;)
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