If anything Microsoft changing their minds everyday is reason enough they don't know how to assess the situation. They are lost. They messed up and are having trouble admitting it.
I'll stick with My PC as I have for the past 7 years. The 360 was great but I don't want big brother spying on Me with the Kinect(Yes it's confirmed it watches You and sends data to MS).
That alone is a reason not for Me to buy it. By the way, The sources to polygon don't sound official at all. They should cite their sources better.
@clynch0527 k nvm You're right the total number is around 40 million.
But active is around a quarter that. LoL in the west is around 32 mil(Active) players. And that's just one game. If we go total number of accounts, It's probably around 150-200 mil.
aaron1111's comments