Old and young Snake on the cover, guessing mgs 1-4.HD MGS1 remake please!Clock-w0rk This probably. Maybe they'll include The Twin Snakes.
Would be interesting to see what From Software would do with the Demon's Souls world after making two Dark Souls games. That's if Sony get them to make it..
Why do PSN keep adding games I was going to buy anyway? I may as well stop buying PS3 games and use the money to keep upgrading my PS+ membership :P
[QUOTE="dave123321"]Show of hands, who here is planning to read american gods as part of the book club?jimkabrhelHonestly I would love to, but I wouldn't be able to get to it until mid-May, after the semester is over. I would love to also, but I want to finish 'The Fellowship of the Ring' first. Not to mention it'll take a few days to arrive.
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