I'm sure most of you know about the Zeitgeist: Addendum that was released yesterday (Part 2 to the last one released last year). It talked about the Venus Project, as Capitalism is no longer needed due to our increase in technology (being able to live a life where we no longer need to pollute/harm the environment, having an endless stream of resources)
Imo, this is how the future will be, if we wish to survive for another few millenia. The Zeitgeist 2 can be seen here:
However, that is not the main point, as I did not create this thread to discuss the conspiracies within that film. Rather, I made this thread to discuss the concept of the Venus Project, aka the future. You can view this here if you have enough time:
In order for humanity to strive we must redesign our culture, in order to prevent and solve the many problems within our world. It is not in human nature to do bad, but rather it is our human behavior which manipulates us to act in such ways.
"An extraterrestrial visitor examining the differences among human societies would find those differences trivial compared toour similarities.
Our lives, our past and our future are tied to the sun, the moon and the stars...We humans have seen the atoms which constitute all of nature and the forces that sculpted this work...and we, who embody the local eyes and ears and thoughtsfeelings of the cosmos, have begun to wonder about out origins...star stuff contemplating the stars, organized collections of ten billion billion billion atoms, contemplating the evolution of nature, tracing that long path by which it arrived at consciousness here on the planet earth...Our loyalties are to the species and to the planet. Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not to just ourselves but also to that cosmos ancient and vast from which we sprung.
We are one species.
We are star stuff harvesting star light."
-Carl Sagan
RIP Carl Sagan & George Carlin
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