CDPR intentionally prevented reviewers from having the PS4/X1 versions, basically hiding how broken these versions are before release
while the base PS4 and X1 are 7 years old consoles, they are more than capable of RUNNING a good looking game, there are plenty of great games on these old consoles that aren't broken. Nobody is saying Cyberpunk needed to be 60FPS or have amazing graphics, we just wanted a playable non-broken game. NO excuses for the many glitches and crashes, this isn't due to the console's age, it's because CDPR didn't spend enough time on these versions...
which leads us to the last issue, they forced the developer's into doing crunch and overtime and STILL managed to release a broken game. This a huge mess, not "one mistake"
@systemoverload: if everyone waited , there wouldn't be a launch...someone has to be willing to buy a console/phone/whatever at launch and risk the issues that come with it.
I bough PS4 at launch and while the original PS4 had some issues, I never felt like a beta tester, it worked well majority of the time.
abdou's comments