@stan_boyd @XdavidCAzen23x @omar_q did you know Stan_boyd that little boys like you should leave the talking to grown-ups? little 12yo shits think they know it all.
No thanks assholes,am still buying the PS4,and to people who think the Xbox is starting to win,you just don't realize how many fans Micro$oft lost with its initial policy including me,and the war is just beginning between the consoles,Sony will win and time will tell!
Tom i believe you were not feeling it when you reviewed this game,i feel sorry for you mate whatever the reason is,instead of making a piece of shit review you should have just asked Kevin VanOrd to do it for ya i believe he would have gladly taken the opportunity.
3:22 review O_o?!! come on Tom,you're better than this mate.
@330-335 don't trust a single reviewer opinion in a game review,search for other reviews,and about Kevin VanOrd,trust me on this,he is one of the most credible reviewers on the internet,and his reviews are usually un-biased,and this game really do suck,don't blame the man,blame the company who made this piece of crap.
@LatinproX @xsonicchaos In all seriousness,i think there are few companies out there who mostly doesn't care about the money,like valve and bethesda for example.
@monstachruck @nathangray I think the first one had its unique charm and all,sure mass effect 2 combat is more enjoyable,but 1 had a more unique setting,and the story was a larger part in the game than the second one,basically put,the first felt more of an rpg than a shoorter,and the second one felt more a shooter than an rpg.
abu_eljod's comments