tfooooooooooooooo 3a emek,am sorry but your article is pointless,why?,there's a LOT of games with female leads,and most games these days include female characters and lets you choose gender,""Tomb Raider. Mirror's Edge. Perfect Dark. Street Fighter. Mortal Kombat. Tekken. Soul Calibur. Resident Evil. No One Lives Forever. Bayonetta,Dragon Age,Mass Effect,etc....."" are all games with lead female characters and there's many more and you should know that,............. thats why i think your article is completely pointless.
i like the game industory as it is,when they start complicating things like the motion-sensing devices and downloadble content,its just stupid,for me,i love the old fashioned controller in the PS3 and XBOX360,it works for me and i find it more fun,and for the downloadable content,i myself love to have solid materials,i want to touch and feel my game with my own hands so i can feel my 50 or 60 dollars that i payed for it,i have my collection of my bought games in my shelves and i wouldn't trade that for some downloadable digital content,you may think am crazy but that's who i am.
I think after reading all these comments I've realized something,i think the only thing that matters eventually is the gameplay,it doesn't matter if it's the PS3 or XBOX360,it's if you enjoyed playing the game or not.
So how do they do comparison?? each game uses the same amount of space on both platforms and then they see which performs better,then if that's true,the PS3 can perform better because it can handle more capacity(Blue-Ray) unlike XBOX360 (DVD),at least that's what i think.
Well,as hiphophippy27 said before,GS,you're doing absolutely nothing here if you keep comparing multiplats,if you need to know a console full potential you need to compare exclusives,because they usually drive the console to its full power and potential,like MGS4 and GW2,now that's a real comparison,and BTW,i truly believe that blue-ray offers to make better games because of the increased capacity,although it could affect other things if you make a very large-sized game.
abu_eljod's comments