@Truvietplaya @snake63 you call that not bad LOL. and are still hopeful for games wow, you're really something special guy. here I am still mad at the flop of the psp the original one not even the slim. like the old saying goes fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.
@Cwagmire21 I know people who travel a lot and practically live in hotels. this will be a huge entertainment for them not just for gaming but to use the phone and controller as a player and remote. this can actually lead to bigger things, if priced and actually is easily portable. it is a tough market with tablets and other products now available.
@FarQall I agree my five year old asked me for a smartphone so he can download games, he took my phone and showed me how and what game. wtf happen to playing outside.
it would have been a great idea if you can just slide any tablet right in. from the looks of it it looks like the tablet slides off, first party tablet is the only one that would work. I don't think the design is ugly, like many have said. Seems to have some potential but for that price and just a basic tablet I much rather get and ipad or galaxy tablet or surface (fanboys, I don't care). But in all honesty mobile gaming on a tablet really? do I really need the buttons and thumbstick for angry birds and bad piggies, even bahamuts revenge. I think it will be a very smart move to just wait until some hacker creates a usb stick that just syncs any controller wireless be it logitech to a no name brand or a home console as some have mooded already.
first of ff7 commercial success was not only due to the 3d rendering. yes it play a key role but the full success was in the story and game mechanics. because it was the first in the series to be 3d the game and story had to be just as epic and introduce new elements not really seen in rpg's at that time. as for blizzard thats comparing apples to oranges. who do you think is more thriving in japan blizzard or square enix? in the states blizzard has a bigger fan base.
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