ace770's forum posts
1. Short Introduction:Came across this union and seeing as i like final fantasy i decided to join, i have been MIA from gamespot for a while now and i'm wanting to get back into the swing of things like commenting on union boards, so here i am :P
2. GS Name: Ace770
3. Real Name:Andrew
4. Position In FFE:Recruit
5. Gender:Male
6. Date of Birth:May30th
7. Place of Birth:I'm Canadian eh!
8. Height:6'0
9. Weight (jk):epic
10. Ethnicity: lol dont worry about it
11. Current Location of Residence: Canada :P
12. Religion: none at the moment
13. Job: does college count as a job? lol
14. Personality:90% crazy 5%sanity and 5%loving life to the fullest
15, Habits/Mannerisms;i pace back and forth for hours but only when i listen to music, helps me think i suppose
16. Girl/Boy Friends:dont have a girl friend, not looking for a boy friend lol
17. Pets:8 year old golden retriever
18. What Do You Look for in a Person:a sense of humor, and love for life
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person:ignorance and stupidity
20. Consoles Owned:PS2,PS3,XBOX 360
21. How Long Have You Played Games: for a while lol
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played:FF7,8,10,12 and 13 currently
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Squall Leonhart (that should be obvious xD)
24. How long have you been on Gamespot:since 2007 i
25. Favorite muscial instrument:i used to play the electric guitar
1. Game(s) in General:first person shooter, action adventure, roleplaying games
2. FF Game:FF8
3. Console(s):XBOX 360 PS3
4. Movie(s): right now its the Other Guys and way too many to list lol
5. TV Show(s):two and ahalf men before charlie sheen went crazy like me :P
6. Food:pizza >.>
7. Colour:red
8. Music:all genres of rock,punk,metal
9. Place of Travel:British Columbia (its in Canada for those who dont know)
1. Other interests and hobbies:talk to me directly and you will find out! :D :P
2. Contact Information:???? my profile will be the best way to contact me lol :P
3. Random Facts: i moan in my sleep lol
That was like a test lol what an epic way to get new people to introduce themselves lol good on ya though!
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