where are all these DC fanboys that was saying this was going to be epic? yes, on the event of seeing the trinity on screen would be great but overall it was meh an alright time. now they will end up saying its not about scores its about how much money it will make.
bias hypocrites lol but ill pick this movie up on bluray or someother ways
@berserker66666: lol i may seem like a dc hater since i said i wont see batman v superman day one and ill will wait, mostly due i didnt much care for MoS. But DC animated movies are great under the redhood, Batman year 1, WW and All star superman. JL animated series i dont really much remember lol... I love young justice until season 2 it was just different....some of these new 52 animated DCUA i dont much care for But marvel does make some solid animated movies
@phoexyael16: trust me, i wont go to the theater to see this lol idk why you think i would. why do you think this is from the nightmare scenes? did you read the comments lol awww cute. i wouldnt catch this movie at early bird special
i know people that are seeing it monday... but did i say superman dies at the end? lol nope so i didnt say that was the ending lol
@berserker66666: i guess you dont know people that saw the movie? and/or seen leak stuff thats everywhere go google it lol ( is it true maybe idk) but im waiting to see this on blu ray i wont be seeing it at the theater.
aceofspades187's comments