this dude talks alot a crap about A.Sliva? i wonder if he every fought before? "sounds like a expert swimmer that never has been in a pool"~ Matt Serra
i thought the patch today was going to fix everything? but it did for a short peirod of time..after the first day i could play GTAO got to level 15 with maybe 30k in the bank...yesterday before the patch my character was deleted and my money was still there...suggesting was made just to make another character in the second slot and i did..after the patch was release this to level 12 or so have 50k in the bank and went to bed woke up and now no character and 30k in the bank
@JBStone1981 @aceofspades187 @vduong942 im sorry she maybe female at heart and mind but no...look up transgender....on this review ID it would say male not female..on Birth certificate and other Doc it will say Male not female
aceofspades187's comments