@CallMeDuraSouka: Which is a shame the game looked like it could have been so much more. Oh well $10 and free shipping is the best. Always buy from the bargain bin.
Bought it from gamefly for $10 and I have to say it's not too shabby at that price, well at least the single player. I don't think I will ever hop on the multiplayer tho.
Only reason I ever came on this site was to watch the point and hear what Danny had to say about video games as a whole. Now I have to go find a different website with another Irishman, thanks Danny you ruined my life! Good luck on your next project tho.
As far as design it seems like they just sat around looking at the ps4 and someone said let's add another "step", that way it's a step up from the ps4. Then the word pro got thrown in by some intern and we have a lackluster design.
acerock980's comments