acklawhunt Blog
by acklawhunt on Comments
Hey guys I recieved a message from a friend showing me a BANNER. Which you can put on a profile. I found one and tried to add it but its not working. Did I do something wrong. Please help me.
Not feeling to well.
by acklawhunt on Comments
Warning: There is some words that are graphic contained.
Hey guys I have a Urinary infection. This is when you urinate blood. I am very sick right now. Not just the feel better sick but I have many problems with my body. I took a medication to fix my infection but it turns out I was allergic. I can barely move right now. I am using a laptop. But I mean not everyone is supposed to have a perfect life. And I pray you guys will never get this. I might be at the hospital for a while but I wish you guys have a great year. But if you guys find a game to be really cool. Private message me. I will wan't to hear about it so when I'm out of the Hospital I can try these games. With all respect.
Have a happy holiday and a safe new year.
by acklawhunt on Comments
Hey guys thanks for reading this blog. I hope you all have a great holiday and a safe new year. I will be in England but I will still update my blogs. Thanks guys.
The glitch has ended.
by acklawhunt on Comments
Good Bye!
by acklawhunt on Comments
Orange Box is great.
by acklawhunt on Comments
I recently got Orange Box for Hanukkah and I find it to be a incredible game. I have already completed Half-Life 2 previousally but the 1080p hd graphics kept me going for a while. I completed Portal 100% even the Advanced maps and I just started playing team fortress. Over all this game (games) is incredible. Definitely a must buy.
Officially bought Rock Band
by acklawhunt on Comments
Yes guys I bought Rock Band. Haven't played it yet but.... Damn its good. I played it at the store. Played with some random people. I was the guitarist. To answer your question, if its all about the guitar for you, don't get it. The strumming is god horrible. I suggest you use the Guitar Hero 2 Controller to play it. But this is very fun to play with friends.
I played Kane and Lynch
by acklawhunt on Comments
This game is underappreciated guys. I loved it. If you like Hitman then this game is for you. The coop is great. And each charecter has something different about him. The game plays as to escaped convict prison robbers. Kayne's family will die if he doesnt get enough money by the end of a week. I played it and I enjoyed it alot. I will review it soon
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