Sorry kid I got this game the first day it came out, after I beat it once it became nearly unplayable because of all the hiccups. You should check your facts or buy games when they come out, not when they are in the bargain bin months later.InjuredNoodle
sorry, no kid here
i'm not sure what hiccups your experiencing unless it was fixed by an update that i'm not aware of
i've never read any complaints about the lag in this game unless its from a pc
Well I rented Mass Effect today. If I really enjoy the time I have with it I will buy it. How long is this game? (Assuming that I explore most of everything) I just got to the citadel and I really like what I have played so far.seanroxors
if you counting the time playing it more than once then i've spentover 60 hours
the average joe doing "most" of the side would probably finish at 25-30 hours also...
i'm sure just about everyone played it more than once so that should also go into consideration
i play on expert, i just cant beat 3 & 7's and the slipknot song. i know i can beat cult of personality and cliffs of dover on expert and with practise could beat number of the for one and raining blood, thatll never happensean_c223
i'm opposite
i finally beat cult of personality yesterday(solo is tough) but i had no problems with 3&7s and slipknot
slayer is the last song until i get to lou but its do-able
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