...owns all other game developers.
Seriously, HL2 owns all other FPS's. Including Halo 3. It's so damn engaging. It's so damn beautiful. It's so damn fun, scary, exiting, unique, etc. It's funny, I just played through Halo 3 and now I am playing through HL2 for the 3rd time (first 2 were on PC). I really enjoyed Halo 3's campaign. It was a good game, but now that I started playing HL2 again, it realy pales in comparison. I guess that is a testament to HL2. It can make a good game look crappy.
The Orange Box also shows how you can add value to a 3 year old game. Instead of just porting HL2 to the next gen machines and selling ti for $60 (this would have been EA's move), they actually made a package that is worth WAY MORE than $60.
Oh yeah, Portal? This is the most fun puzzle game ever. It's so damn cool, and get's your mind working in ways that just make you say "wow, that was cool." My wife was watching me play the first few levels and I kept hearing "whoa", and "holy ****" in my ear.
Thanks Valve. I have bashed you in the past, but you have FULLY redeemed yourself.
Anyone who has not picked up The Orange Box is doing themselves a GREAT disservice.
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