Glad to see the Nets move on after a tough season. Toronto deserved to lose after the way their fans acted about Vince. They need to focus on a bright future and leave the past in the past.
adamf_17's forum posts
Has anyone else out there been blown away by the artistry of Miyazaki's movies? They never cease to amaze and impress. I am so impressed with the way he can tell a story without all of the filler and violence that most anime has. I love all kinds of anime but I have truly never seen any work in any format (aside from FFVII) that has stunned me as much as some of his films. BTW my two favorites are Princess Mononoke and Castle in the Sky. I also recently saw Howl'a Moving Castle and I highly suggest that anyone who loves film (or life for that matter) see it!
the game isn't really "bad", it just isn't as good as 2k7 in my opinion. if the option is there, get 2k7 unless you like 07.
to be perfectly blunt i am a bigger rj and j-kidd fan than i am a vince fan. as good as he is he is too inconsistent and refuses to stay aggressive over the course of any length of time. i just want j-kidd to get a title and bring back the glory days of kerry kittles and k-mart.
1st team imo- PG-S.Nash, SG-D Wade, SF-L James, PF-D Nowitzki C-D.Howard
2nd team- PG-J Kidd, SG-K.Bryant, SF-C Anthony, PF-KG, C-T Duncan
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